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In training field

"are you okay ? "  A worried voice asked a waist length blond haired girl  ....

"I am fine sensei ..... If you don't mind can I leave early today .... Please ..... "

"Okay " Kakashi nodded hesitantly .....

Tsubaki pov .....

I rushed home

I sat down locking the door and reached the only room she has  .....

"Why ...... Maybe she is right ...... My parents abandoned me ...... Why ..... Maybe I shouldn't exist  ..... I hate .... "

"Kit ..... Its not true kit ..... "

I took kunai in my hand ..... I was filled with intense impulse to hurt myself ..... I clenched the kunai tight ....

"Dont do this to yourself kit .... "

"No one wants me to be around ..... I know you are kyuubi ... "

The voice seemed to be stilled ....

"I just ....  Is it too much to want to be accepted atleast on the day of my birthday ..... Nae kyuubi ...... "

"Kit ...... "

"That's it ..... I had enough ..... I don't have anymore energy to keep up with this shit mask ...... "

I took the kunai in my hand and lunged it to my chest ..... When I felt no pain ..... I felt it fixed not being able to be moved ...... I opened my eyes to find my sensei holding the sharp end of kunai with his  hands .... Which now bleeding intensely ..... I couldn't look at him ..... I felt the kunai being yanked from my hand .....  His hands started bleeding more he threw the kunai to who knows where ..... His grip made him bleed more ....

"Sensei ..... You are bleeding ..... "

I tried to touch his bleeding hand .... his hand clenched hard on my shoulders....

"Please tell it was my mistake ..... You were just having kunai in your hand right ..... You weren't about to stab yourself right ....  Please tsubaki tell me.. Please tell me it was a mistake on my part ..... GOD DAMMIT SAY SOMETHING ..... WHAT THE FUCK WHERE YOU ABOUT TO DO ??? ..... "

I flinched when sensei cursed .... I never heard him cursed .... My focus was still in floor .... I didn't have it in me to look up ....

"LOOK UP .... LOOK AT ME ..... DAMMIT ... "

His bloodied hands forcing my chin to look into his eyes ..... His eyes full of hurt sad dread fear ...... It clenched my heart ....

'kit , he sees you kit ..... He doesn't want you to die ..... '

"Is ...... It okay to live ....... Am I allowed to live ...... " I asked choking on my words ..... His hands palmed my face ..... Though his blood was getting smeared none of it mattered ....

"Of course tsubaki ..... I want to you live ..... I want you to be happy ..... I am sorry I didn't notice your mental status .... I am sorry .... I should done more .... I am idiot ..... "

I tackled him in hug ..... Something warm crept in my heart ..... Maybe .... Maybe it's okay to live ..... Its okay live to see the next day  ..... I felt sensei hugging me more tight ..... His embrace was hurting me .... But i wanted it ..... I wanted someone to tell me that's it okay ..... Its okay to be alive .... I could feel my shoulders becoming damp .... I was sobbing mess on his jounin jacket .... For the first time I felt my heart beating ..... For the first time someone was with me warm .....

mine ( Kakashi x femalenaruto )जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें