Day 6

"Shhh i am here tsubaki . " Kakashi kept repeating it reassuring me and also himself. 
After a few minutes I calmed down .

"Are you fine ? "

"I am fine kakashi . Hopefully it's just a dream . " I said hoping that it doesn't mean anything deep .

"Now kitty get up . We have to go down the mountain after a little bit of steep trek ."

I nodded .


We packed our belonging and again started the trek . No matter how much I tried my mind kept wandering again and again back to my dream . Usually my dreams are vivid this one was vague . I couldn't even differentiate who was who .

I felt a stinging pain on my forehead . " It hurts kashi ..."

"Dont daze around kitty . Focus ...."

"Hai hai ..." I answered grumpily .

While climbing up sakura and kakashi ended up in front . I was with sasuke at behind at a little distance  . Weirdly sakura didn't make any fuss and quietly followed behind Kakashi .

"So what s happening between you and kakashi ? " Sasuke asked me out of no where .

"What ? " I stuttered .

Sasuke stopped and gave me pointed look . I ignored his look

"What about you ? Something feels different with sakura and you ? " I countered back . Unexpectedly i caught the sight of slightly pink tinged sasuke .

"Wow .."

"Not a word tsu ...." Sasuke barked .

I froze recognising how he called me . I looked at him . He kept walking .

Many don't know this but before uchiha massacre i used to play in the uchiha compound before things got a little tense . Sasuke mom mikoto san taught me a lot . Like things about girls , about basic the necessities and also self defense . It was one of the places i could be free without any kind of judgement .

I used to crash over at uchiha . Itachi was my anbu guard many times he was one of the anbu who really helped me when needed . If wolf was like my saviour weasel was like my over looking big brother .

Weirdly sasuke was little sour with me at first then gradually took on the role of big brother making it point to protect me . Sometimes both took it far in their job of being my elder brothers .

The times when both of us used to pester Itachi nii to teach us . Mikoto san getting frustrated with us and fugaku san with his stern face but warm heart . Sometimes I felt that they were my family until the incident .

when sasuke smiled freely without any restrain not revenge driven lunatic . I still remembered the day when things went south .

[ Itachi nii was taking me to jiji . His chakra was weird . It was as if he was wailing out internally as if grieving .

"Nii .... Is everything fine ? "

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