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Day 1

Both of us were standing at memorial stone in our civilian clothes .... Mine was comfortable easier to move . He was wearing silver yukata which he asked for few alterations yesterday . He still covered his face with his mask .

It was still dark  like around 5 . We have two hours more . He started tracing names . I noticed uchiha obito , nohara rin , namikaze minato and uzumaki Kushina , and looked deep to the side where there was small stone cemetery of hatake sakumo .

I followed him quietly  standing in middle to both memorial stone and his dad cemetery .

"Obito, rin , sensei , Kushina nee , dad . I made a big fuss yesterday . Sensei your daughter seriously she is going to be death of me you know . And sensei did you really nominate me for hokage post seriously. Obito I know you are cracking up listening to my plight .  And where are my manners . Here this is tsubaki . I am sure you guys already know her .  "

"Hi . Dad mom, I know it weird . I did come by before in secret still . I thought Kakashi would know you guys better than me so I asked for his help . And obito San , rin San , I am sure you guys are shocked seeing this Kakashi right . I am sure he must have been a stuck ass when he was small wasnt he . I am sure dad and sakumo San must have had a hard time looking after Kakashi . "

"Hey where did this come from suddenly ? We aren't here to talk badly about me . "

"But still it's the truth isn't . Afterall i noticed your glare at sasuke sometimes and I used my clones to fish out information about you . " I said with smug expression .

"Hey ."

"Maa maa dad mom , sakumo san you know he is my sensei.  He comes late for every meeting .  And you know what he keeps reading those book  "  his face was now tinged red as if I was selling him out to his  parents and that's exactly what I was doing .

"Stop stop did you want to come here to badmouth behind my back . " Kakashi asked with an amused tone .

"Are you stupid Kakashi I am standing infront you and badmouthing you can't you see . " I chuckled seeing his expression .

"Sensei , Kushina nee see how your daughter is taking about me . " Kakashi said in complaining tone. 

"I am right aren't i sakumo San . " I said with equal firm tone .

After a few minutes both of us started laughing . We sat down next to each other . Kakashi started talking about everything that happened for few days . I added here and there . How we started living together in secret .

"Now both of us are leaving for a mission . " Kakashi completed. 

"Dont be sad guys . We will come back before you know it . " I said in cheerful tone .

We started blickering here and there more . And it was near 7 when Kakashi stood up .

"I guess we should go now . "

"What did you do with my sensei ? my sensei wouldn't arrive 2 hours after the alloted time  " I said in fake angry tone

He rolled his eyes "well I ate your sensei . Grrrrrr"  he said growling . It was cute .

"Sensei why don't you go I'll come within a few minutes . " I asked . I was little scared that he might take this wrong but no he just smile and ruffled my head . "Dont be late . " And shushined .

"Well . I guess it's first time knowing you two I guess obito San , rin San , I knew about dad mom and sakumo San before and came by little . Hi I am namikaze tsubaki . Your sensei daughter . I am idiot aren't i introducing myself after two hours . Still you guys didn't deserve this neither did dad mom and sakumo San deserve this . Kakashi didn't deserve this life . So i hope whatever I am thinking you guys would help me .  Afterall all  you all deserve a second chance . I hope you guys won't be angry with me much . Bye guys bye dad mom sakumo San . " Not knowing that I just changed important aspect of goal for a certain uchiha in shadows . Sowed a seed of hope .

mine ( Kakashi x femalenaruto )जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें