At morning I was woken up by sound of sword slashing through air it was still dark outside. I turned around to go back to sleep but the continuous slashing sound and steadily running chakra impulse woke me up completely . I swear kakashi is morning person and is definitely is bad influence for me .

I entered the training space which was small yet big enough for two . The floor and wall and ceiling had a slight burn markes which would normally escape naked eye . probably Kakashi trying to check for wiretaps .

In the middle stood Kakashi with his shirt bare face moving from one kata to another in fluid form . Each and every stance spoke of his dedication and time spent on mastering it.   It was strong each and every strike promising destruction for anything in its path .

Like he was top of predators . But It looked lonely . Every strike searching for something through the loneliness . I took in each and every form . How he connected the kata . His fluidity from one stance to another.

I am just noob in kenjutsu i knew it every well . I imagined a version of myself not strong and intimidating like Kakashi but one focus on speed and unpredictability . The fact that I am not bound by fixed sword art and  I can freely do anything was an advantage. 

I am sure he knew I was standing here watching . I reached out for my sword and unsheathed it . I was not scared of his sword . Sure it's intimidating but I knew the one wielding it .

I parred one of his strike . I felt like getting crushed . But still i stood firm . Turned around aiming for is torso . He didn't even bother to move easily deflected with his sword .

If he is like a mountain each and every kata with a solid strong foundation mine was like water free ever changing narrowly escaping his range flowing erratically . I even held the sword in one hand and changed hands .  No matter how much fake i add no matter how abruptly I change my stance he parred everything with ease . Mine was not aimed at winning nor was his .

All i wanted was for him to see that there is not one sword in front of him but now two . That he is not alone anymore . Neither am I . I knew if he wanted he could easily subdue me . Each and every strike resonating deep .

"Time out , time out " it was Kakashi who shouted . "You are exhausting yourself the start of the day idiot . "

"I am not idiot but still how was i . " I asked fake glaring at him with excitement .

"In one word water "

I tackled him in hug after setting the sword aside . He got exactly what I am aiming for.

"Hey kitty I have sword in my hand . " he scolded.

"So ? " As i don't see the point behind it .

"You would be only one doing this after parring with my sword . " He answered . I felt him sheath his sword and place it carefully . And hugging me back.  "My dad used to say every strike has intent behind it.  Kenjutsu without intent is nothing but lethal art capable of meaningless deaths . "

"That's deep . "

He nodded though I couldn't see him . I felt the saddness and loneliness behind his words . "Mine is with intent to obilterate the enemies and your is filled with intent to save everyone even the one you are fighting against . "

I took a step back making him look at me . "Your wrong Kakashi  obliterating enemies of you see the meaning behind it , it's  protecting allies . Your intent is filled with intent to protect your precious things . And i was parring with with not an enemy .  "

He chuckled . He pressed his forehead against mine with his hands over my cheeks . "I guess I needed that . " He muttered loud enough for me to hear .

"Anytime . "

mine ( Kakashi x femalenaruto )Where stories live. Discover now