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FYI this is more on like.. my au but I can certainly like


"alright Sully you can let go of me now." Maverick muttered as they tried pushing off Sully, grunting only slightly when they couldn't. Sullivan didn't budge and still hugged him, tired and clingy. "noo please stay" He begged a little, he wanted them to stay so they could cuddle at least for a while. "You know I have work, I can't risk losing this job!" Maverick said as he managed to push away Sullivan, getting up from the bed and quickly getting everything on.

Sully watched as he clung onto a pillow, he sniffled a little as he waited patiently for him. "Mav... don't you have just... a little bit more time to cuddle?" "GOD SULLY CAN YOU NOT BE SO CLINGY FOR LIKE JUST ONE DAY!?" Maverick snapped but once he realized what he said, they choked down the words to say sorry, not risking to mess up again.

Sullivan just stared and nodded before laying back down again. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to annoy you.. I just wanted to cuddle but I didn't realize how clingy I was to you. I'm.. I'm really sorry Mav" Sully said in a softer tone than before as he laid in bed, his eyes having slight tears in them.

Maverick just groaned and lightly smacked his head, clearly angry with out his temper got the better of him.. come to think of it, he never had much of a sick day so maybe he could call them and say he was having a fever? But he couldn't just do that for him, he need this job more.

"I'm heading off, I need to go to work." Maverick said as he got his blades on and headed out of the bedroom and the front door, a gentle click was heard and he knew that Maverick was gone. Silently, Sullivan waited for hours for him to return and hasn't eaten once, he craved for his touch more than his own hunger and well being. Hours had gone by and Sully managed to get himself to sleep, curled up on the shared bed he and Maverick had.

Suddenly the door opened quietly, it was Maverick returning from his job. A soft sigh could be heard escaping his mouth as he took off his blades, he went over to the bedroom, being quiet as possible and looked over at Sully with a gentle grin on his face. Maverick walked over to him and sat down on the bed, slowly Sully awoken and looked at him.

"haha you're back, yay" Sullivan said with a smile upon his own faces, reaching over and giving Mav a hug as he yawned. "Gee what time is it?" "It's about.. mmm 11 pm" "ah I see, I must have slept most the day away" Sully laughed and so did Maverick, Mav reached down and picked up a bag. "I.. am sorry about earlier but um.. I stopped by and got you your favorite meal as an apology." Maverick handed it to him and looked away, but wanting to make much eye contact.

Sully just giggled a little and hugged him once again, nuzzling up against him. "I forgive you.. I always will.."


dude this one is ass but I need to post smth so here%&$&'vxnxvnafh


SOLARBALLS UHHH ONESHOTS? FANFICS? REQS???Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt