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they said fluff/suggestive so



"Hey, goddess of beauty! how's it hangin?" Earth chuckled as he teases Venus about his name, Venus let out a slight groan in annoyance as Earth spoke. Suddenly he felt arms slither around his waist, making him slightly jump. Earth gave a soft chuckle as he rested his head against Aphrodite's shoulder, holding him as close as possible to himself.

Venus rolled his eyes in response to this as he felt how close the two were, he blushed obviously but didn't want to show it. It would make him look vulnerable! Suddenly he felt lips press against his skin and it made him shiver slightly, it was unexpected. Earth moved his hair out of the way and chuckled softly "can I have permission to kiss you, my goddess?" He teased Venus with the nickname he said and pulled him more close, closing the slight gap between them.

Venus was reluctant at first but eventually nodded slowly, giving Earth consent to do what he pleased.  And with that Earth playfully smothered Venus with kisses on his cheek, neck and shoulder. Aphrodite was desperately trying to not laugh from the kisses he was receiving, he was ticklish but was stubborn about it. Gaia's hands trailed downward towards Venus’s hips and kept them there as he continues to mark Aphro' in kisses, suddenly they came to a stop and Gaia picked up the goddess of love into his arms and brought him over a couch nearby.

Earth sat down and placed Venus onto his lap, looking up at him with a slight grin before he continued to kiss at his neck and shoulder. Venus chuckled and placed his hands on each side of Earth's face, kissing him right on the lips before pulling back quickly after. One of Earth's hand overlapped the one Venus had on his face and the other trailed down to his hip, having a firm placement which caused Venus to blush a little.

Gaia chuckled softly and brought Venus into another kiss, this time longer than before. Venus lowered his hand and placed it onto his boyfriend's shoulder as the kiss deepened. The two ignored the world around them, as if they were the only ones. Earth gently gripped at Aphrodite's thighs as his breath began to heavy, soon enough they pulled away from each other and gasped for air. Earth's eyes quickly noticed how red Venus was after what happened, causing him to grin and bring him for yet another deep and passionate kiss.

Aphro couldn't help but begin to whine slightly as his grip on Earth's shoulder began to tighten, Gaia picked up on this and slowly he began to lay down Venus onto the couch. His hands roamed his boyfriend's body and traced every curve, feeling him slightly squirm under him. Earth had a sudden thought in his mind and slowly he began to whisper softly next to Venus’s ear "Tell me, are you enjoying this so far?" His words sent a shiver up Venus’s spine, he nodded cause he was obviously enjoying this. "Then you wouldn't mind if I pushed this a little further, hm?" Venus didn't know what to say, Earth is making him feel all flustered and making him feel like there's butterflies in his stomach.


"I.. uhh.. I wouldn’t.. mind..." "You don't sound so sure of yourself." He looked at the being above him, God why are words so hard to find for him? he isn't THAT good.. "I said.. I wouldn’t m...mind." Earth just chuckled to himself before leaning down to his neck yet again, biting and sucking at his skin and leaving a hickey behind. As he did this over and over at different parts of his upper body, his hands wandered to.. some other place. He gripped at the back of Venus’s thighs with a firm grip as he continued his previous actions, Venus slightly squirming from under his touch. "Ha.. who knew you'd.. be good at uhh.. shit I can't fucking think if anything."

Venus’s mind began to spiral down a blank path as he got lost within the pleasure he was receiving from Earth, his body beginning to feel hotter than before. Venus had his eyes close as he let his lover do whatever he pleased with his body until he felt Earth move himself lower. His caused Venus his have his eyes wide open and look down at his lover, a blush spreading across his face. "May i?" Earth asked as he began to teasingly tug at waist band of Venus’s sweats. 'Holy fuck! I didn't think he would take it this far!' Venus thought to himself and for a moment, he remained silent as the air around them began to intensify. Slowly, Venus began to nod his head at Earth's request while the blush on his face began to almost cover his whole face.

The heat of this situation was getting to him.

Gaia smiled at him and in a teasingly slow way, he began to take off his boyfriend's pants which made Venus just groan. "h-hurry up with it, damn it!" "Is someone becoming needy? Hm.. I thought you weren't that type of person, Venus." Earth's tone was a teasing yet almost seductive, almost hypnotizing. He finally took of Venus’s pants and gently brushed his lips against Venus's inner thigh, the corners of his mouth lifting slightly. "if you ever feel uncomfortable or scared, just yell out the safe word alright? and I'll immediately stop." And with that Earth began to attack Venus with kisses all over his inner thighs, time passed by and Earth made his way dangerously close to.. a certain area. Venus would feel himself get all giddy inside but at the same time he was... kinda scared, he was enjoying this sure (he was enjoying it A LOT.) but he wasn't ready to do "it" exactly.

Venus yelled out the safeword and immediately Earth came to a stop, looking up at his lover and getting closer to his face. "Everything alright?" "Yeah just. . . uhhh" "we can do this another time for when you're ready, mi amor" (used a translator weave me awone 🥺🥺) This put Venus at ease as he wrapped his arms around Earth's neck, Earth placed his hand on Venus’s cheek and gave him a soft yet loving smile. Aphrodite placed his head against Earth's chest and sighed softly, Earth hugging him close and gently running his hand through his boyfriend's hair.

Venus fell asleep a little after and as he did, he smiled and muttered quietly "I love you, ya fucking dork" Gaia just smiled at his tired tone and held him even closer. "I love you too, mi diosa."

consent is hot..

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