Foiled Plans

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Lucifer POV

I wasn't expecting Y/N to grab me so quickly, and out in public too. I was so relieved they waited until we were out of the sight of the people we know personally, but we were still in hell, and all of the strangers in the surrounding vicinity were the subjects of my kingdom. 

Though, as stressed as I was to be out of the house and how worried about what other demons would think if they saw us, I liked that they held my arm gently. It was a kind gesture as we walked amongst the shadows of hell. They seemed to know quite the sneaky path. It made me think about the things they did in their free time, if they were so good at going unnoticed. 

They weren't stressed, not at a the beginning of the walk. We were lurking in the dark alleyways between the creaky buildings. We were about to emerge into a main pathway when suddenly, their mannerisms changed. 

I felt it in their body language, even if I couldn't seem them well. They quickly jolted back into a deeper pocket of shadow. They pulled me with them just as quickly. They quickly stood with their back flat against the damp wall of the alley. They held my face against their chest with their hand covering my mouth gently. I felt their chin rest on my head, and felt their chest move as they took and released a deep breath. 

I couldn't see what was going on, I had my eyes shut tight from the abrupt movement. I heard a person, then many people.

I heard one stranger's footsteps approach and receded faster than I thought any demon could run. I didn't think anything of it until I heard more of a crowd approaching quickly as well. Their footsteps were heavier, and echoed in the lengthy alley. I felt a rush of air on my back as many of them flooded past, and I heard another speak to Y/N in a gruff voice. 

"Did you see anyone cross through here?" The stranger asked Y/N with a scary tone.

"I saw a man, he went through here and took a turn to the left." Y/N answered, sounding just as scary. They gripped me a bit tighter than before. 

I heard the man grunt in reply and walk away, following the previous steps. 

I felt Y/N release another heavy sigh and loosen their grip on me. They shifted their hands to my shoulders and held them tightly, looking down at my face. 

"Sorry I grabbed you like that, I didn't think you wanted to be recognized right now. I figured now's not really the time to run into a gang in an alleyway." They looked apologetically down at me, before sharply looking back to where the men had ran off to. Their head had snapped to the right at the sound of a sharp scream. 

"Uh, yeah it's okay. I don't need you to protect me though, I can hold my own." I answered a bit sharper than I had intended to, but I didn't want Y/N to think they needed to save me from my own subjects. I placed my hand on their chest to regain some of my bubble space that had been popped by the abrupt grab.

"I know, I just figured since you're not dressed in your proper attire or anything, you wouldn't want the hassle." Y/N placed their hand over mine. 

"I know you are more than capable oh handling your duties, but you're off the clock right now." They spoke a bit quieter, still a bit on edge because of the surrounding events. 

"Let's get outta here. Why don't we scrap shopping and portal home. I thought a walk would be nice, but I've clearly been spending too much time at the hotel." Y/N sighed softly, finally releasing me from their grasp. 

"Uh yeah, sure. I'm sure we can figure out some sort of recipe from ingredients at the hotel or something." I was both relieved and a little sad about the busted shopping trip. I was kind of excited to see Y/N in a different kind of element. Doing something other than eating lunch with me on my bedroom floor. 

I looked around quickly before stepping a few paced backward from Y/N, and opening a portal. I took the opportunity to grab their hand gently and pull them through. We stepped through the bright gold ring of light into what was supposed to be the hotel lobby, but out of habit, we ended up in my messy shit-hole of an office. 


I had hoped to eventually bring Y/N to my home, under different circumstances.

785 Words

Auburn Clouds : Y/N X Lucifer Magne (Hazbin Hotel)Where stories live. Discover now