Phone Call Freak

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Third Person POV

Lucifer looked at the phone on the wall as he paced around the room. He was practicing what he would say when someone answered. Usually he would just use magic to get himself some food, but since he was so low on energy he couldn't today. He really didn't want to go downstairs, but he really needed something.

Lucifer's POV

Fuck, fuck, fuckkkkkk. I really don't want to do this. Maybe I should sneak out of here. Ugh who am I kidding I'd probably collapse on the sidewalk somewhere before I got home. Why am I like this? How did I forget to eat for 3 days straight? And now all of my magic is strained. Fuck, fuck, fuck off.

Third Person POV

He stopped pacing and sat on the edge of his bed, staring at the phone. He slowly stood up and stepped over to it, dreading to pick it up. He pressed the buttons slowly, still aggravated at the situation.

Second Person POV

The phone lit up with Lucifer's Sigil. You hadn't seen it before, it was so beautiful. You almost forgot to answer the phone because you were so busy admiring it. After the third ring you sighed and picked it up, not wanting to answer, but you were the only one around to do so.

"Hi, Thank you for calling the Hazbin Hotel front desk and room service! How may I help you?" you answered the phone the way you were trained, with a happy voice, because that was expected of you. You waited a second, hearing no response before speaking again.

"Your Majesty? What do you need?" you spoke softer, dropping your smile and peppy tone.

"Uh- food. And a drink, but not alcohol." His voice whispered from the other end of the line. He spoke quietly, but with an abrupt tone. He hung up the call as soon as he finished speaking.

The click of the phone and the following dial tone suprised you. You could tell something was off with him this morning. He sounded different than usual, tired maybe. He also asked for food, which was strange. You didn't think the King of Hell would request something like that. Not like he asked nicely or anything, but still the fact that he reached out was suprising in itself.

You would have written down the order if it had been more specific, but food and a drink wasn't hard to remember. You left the front desk and headed to husk, he had most of the edible supplies, and you figured he knee how to use them. You hadn't cooked much before.

Lucifer's POV

I hit the last button and waited tensely.I didn't know why it was taking so long. Oh, what if no one is down there? Maybe I could sneak out. I almost hung up the phone, before I heard someone answer. I was relieved and annoyed at the same time. But as soon as they spoke, all feelings went straight to stress. I recognized the voice on the other line as soon as they spoke. I immediately forgot the lines I had practiced in my head when I heard the voice speak. I couldn't respond. I don't know why I froze.

Then they asked me again, calling me His Majesty. People rarely call me that to my face, let alone use a professional title for me. It made me panic a bit faster than usual.

"Food, a drink. No alcohol. Thanks."

A six word sentence?! All I could get out was a six word sentence before I hung up? I wasn't usually this pathetic. Of course my voice cracked as well, I probably sounded like a whiny little kid. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't even know who said it.

Fuck man. That was terrible. I couldn't believe I had been so awkward. Me! Fuck. I really hope they don't take too long. I didn't even ask for specifics. I feel so stupid and useless, I can't even make a phone call without panicking. What is wrong with me!?

685 Words

Authors Note-
Sorry, this one may have typos, wrote it on my phone instead of my computer..

I'm also very glad you guys are liking this story! the votes and comments mean a lot to me :)

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