A Meal Worth Sharing

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Walking to the kitchen took longer than you thought it would have. You couldn't even find it at first. You had never needed to go there before, since no guests had been in the hotel other than Lucifer. Of course the regular few as well, but they knew their way around the hotel and didn't ever ask you for food. Your meals were brought to you every so often. You didn't eat much anyway, and most of the time you were out during the traditional meal times.

You went to the kitchen and made a quick sandwich for your guest. You felt accomplished. You hadn't felt that for a while. You sliced different meats, cheeses, and vegetables. You made the cute little sandwich, slicing it diagonally. You were so proud of yourself, so you made an identical one for you to eat. You hadn't made anything for yourself in a while either, this was quite the accomplishment. 

You found a few stray plates with matching glasses, all red with gold trim. They were fancy, too fancy for sandwiches, but you were so proud you decided to use them anyway. You found some juice in the fridge as well. It smelled fine and seemed fresh enough so you poured two glasses. You folded napkins into fancy little cranes. Origami was a hobby you picked up in the real world, though you never mastered it. Your birds came out a bit rounder than a crane should be. 

After plating everything and looking at it happily for a minute or two, you found a bigger tray, one to hold everything, and gathered it all together to bring upstairs. You walked slowly, carefully, as not to drop the food or break the dishes. You would have sent it up with someone else if you hadn't been so proud of your work. You just had to show him. You were excited to give it to him. You loved giving gifts to people, even if it was just a sandwich, you hoped he'd like it. 

The elevator dinged to the sixth floor, the doors slowly opened and you stepped into the hallway. It felt dark, though nothing about the lighting was abnormal. You weren't sure what you would be walking into, you could feel the despair seeping from his door as you walked down the hall.

 You knocked, waited, and heard the creak of the door. You couldn't see him, but you pushed through the door, now patiently waiting ajar. The room was darker than the hallway. Lighting and mood. He was sitting on the floor, back leaned against the bed. He looked weak. Even weaker than when you had to basically carry him up the stairs. You spoke to him quietly, not wanting to spook him. As dreadful as the feeling of the room was, he seemed a bit peaceful. He sat there, eyes resting closed. You would have thought he was asleep if he hadn't just opened the door. You wondered how long he'd been like this.

"Hey, let's get a little bit of light in here. I made you a sandwich and I plated it real pretty. You can't see it in all this darkness." 

You quietly laughed a little as you turned your back to him and pulled the curtains open, just a bit. A beam of light shone through the window, giving a soft glow to the room. You stayed at the window for a moment or two, you enjoyed the warmth. 

Third Person POV

He opened his eyes as they spoke, looking at them before the food they brought. He watched as they opened the curtain a little, he watched the fresh light fill the room. He watched as they looked out the window for a minute or two, as if they were soaking in the light. They couldn't have been though, Hell's sun isn't like the one on Earth. It makes the sky ugly, a dreadful color. He hated it. it was one of his least favorite parts of his realm. 

Lucifer's POV

I watched as Y/N sat across from me. They pulled the large tray over to us. I didn't move from my slumped position, I didn't want to. I hadn't expected them to stay with me. I wasn't sure if I wanted them too. 

"I tried so hard on these sandwiches!" Y/N laughed faintly. "I hope you like it, I wasn't sure what you wanted, so I just did the thing I knew I could do right."

I looked at the plate they had gently pushed towards me. It did look good. The light hit it beautifully, it almost glowed. It may have been the most appetizing thing I had seen in a while. Magically produced food had nothing on homemade goods. I saw the glass as well, I hoped they had forgotten I asked for no alcohol, I wanted some now. 

"I know it's not much, but it's my favorite from the human world. I used to make it when I was sad. You know, as a cheer-me-up food." They continued to smile at me.

They kept eating slowly, noticing I hadn't touched mine yet. They shifted their seating closer to me, setting the plate on my lap. I was caught a little off guard by this, but I didn't say anything. 

"Are you sad right now?" I asked them quietly. I wasn't sure why really. I guess I just wanted to continue the small talk. 

"No, not really. I'm enjoying this moment a lot actually." they hummed and took another bite, chewing it while they thought before speaking again. "I guess I thought you might be a little sad. And I have been feeling a little lonely lately." 

"Oh? Why's that?" I reached for the sandwich and took a small bite as I listened to them talk. 

It was so good, the best sandwich. I must have made a face because they lit up when they saw my reaction. 

"Do you like it? I'm so glad! I can make it whenever you want me to! Or I can show you how to!" They spoke so excitedly. It was sweet, they cared about such small things.

"It is good!" I mumbled in between bites. 

They smiled so brightly, I swear it made the room glow even more.

1045 Words

Auburn Clouds : Y/N X Lucifer Magne (Hazbin Hotel)Where stories live. Discover now