12. The Truth Unfolds

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-Several Months Later-

"I can't wait to go home." Mizu groggily said, dramatically lying on the floor of the ship. They floated off in space, taking a break from a specific destination for the night.

"None of us can." Trunks said in agreeance before exiting the living area to retrieve his toothpaste from his room. Pan already went to sleep for the night and Goku fell asleep in the kitchen while eating his buffet of food. Mizu sat up from her position, taking in the quiet living room, plopping onto the couch with a relaxed sigh. her muscles easing from the rest she was getting. Trunks walked through the room and into the bathroom, getting ready for bed that night. He stripped his clothes and hopped into the shower, relieved to get the chance for the first time in two weeks. Needless to say that they all needed a wash. He closed his eyes when the hot water hit his back, the steam rising to the top of the room and soon filling it entirely. Mizu thought it would be a good time to go to her secret room to see her finished result of the decor she put from different planets in there. She quietly moved the fridge, careful to not wake Goku and stepped behind the door, admiring the small lights and plants, as well as cool little statues or souvenirs and her small red colored bean bag chair. Her body sunk into the bean bag with her head hanging off the back of it. Trunks stepped out of the shower, pulling the curtain back and wrapping a towel around his waist. He scavenged for his brush that he could not find anywhere.

'Mizu.' He glared at his reflection in the mirror before going on a search for the green eyed girl. His eyes landed on the fridge that was turned from the wall and a door right behind it, one he had never seen. He hesitantly walked up to the door, opening it slightly, spotting a Mizu sprawled out on a bean bag chair. Her head snapped up, spotting him in only a towel that hung right below his v-line. Her eyes widened as she covered her mouth and moved her eyes to something else, causing him to smirk ever so slightly.

"Where's my brush Mizu?" She raised her eyebrow at him.

"What brush?"

"You know what brush, you've used it a few times, where is it?"

"I don't know." She said, leaning her head back before he took a step closer, though he only had one foot to the side or backwards to go anywhere else than where he was.

"seriously. Just tell me." She rolled her eyes at his pestering.

"I told you, I don't know. Now shoo, i'm trying to relax here." They both jumped at the loud sound of the door swinging closed behind them.

"Weird that the fridge was moved." Goku said to himself, walking out of the kitchen and into his room for the night. Trunks stepped to the door, banging on it a few times.

"There's no use, those two are the heaviest sleepers I know." Mizu said, groaning, sinking further into her seat.

"What is this room anyways?" Trunks asked, irritated that he didn't know it existed.

"A room i designed purely for myself." She glared at his turned around figure, his butt nearly touching her face. "This room is big enough for one person, two if absolutely needed."

"It's stupid, you have a bedroom you could be in and we wouldn't be here right now if this didn't exist." She rolled her eyes.

"If that stick up your rear goes any further-"

"Shut up, Mizu." He faced her and put his back against the wall, sliding down it, his knees touching the seat she was in.

"Towel!" She yelled, covering her eyes. He frantically put his hand over the towel pulling it down so nothing could be seen anymore.

"It'd be nice if someone could give me my clothes that they're wearing." She furrowed his eyebrows.

"Then what would i wear stupid?"

"At least give me my pants. I'll trade you the towel." She sighed but agreed so she wouldn't see anything else of his. She stood up with him doing the same, their chests almost touching in the process.

"Well, turn around." She spun her finger signaling him to do what she said, sliding the pants off once he did. She saw his muscles flex as he leaned his shoulder against the wall, blushing at the sight. She cleared her throat and held it around his body so he could grab the pants without looking at her. She then turned around, waiting for him to be done, him throwing the towel behind him, it hitting her head.

"Couldn't even hand it to me." She muttered under her breath causing him to laugh.

"Well, you told me not to look." He chuckled, now facing her when she was done. There was a moment of awkward silence inbetween the two who looked anywhere but each other until Trunks cleared his throat, causing Mizu to sigh deeply.

"Do you have to make noise?" She said, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Do you have to be annoying?" She stood up from her small chair, towering over Trunks. Getting a flashback in her mind.

"Quit being annoying Mizu. Be a good girl and go grab me a drink yeah?"  She shook the memory from her head.

"Why do you always have to fight with me? Since day one you have been such a douche canoe! It's inevitable!"

"Maybe if you treated me nicely I would be nicer! First time I met you i was nice until YOU started pestering me!" Her mouth dropped in offense.

"So I'm a pest?"

"That's not what i said Mizu." She just glared at him.

"Listen, I know it must have been hard when Gohan took me under his wing all those years ago, but-"

"Don't be so full of yourself Mizu! You haven't changed my life at all, not even in the slightest." He frustratedly gripped his hair, soon raking his fingers to the end.

"You think this hasn't been hard on me? Do you know how much of a burden I feel like I am?! Even to this day. I'm just saying sorry for if it was strange to you! A new person you don't know always being around, someone you clearly hate, it's not pleasant." Her lip curled up, her eyes burning and pressure filling her nose.

"It was new to everyone, so I could never blame you for saying the things you say to me, or the way you usually leave the room when I enter it, or just blatantly degrading me in general for the smallest things i do. You've been a real jerk Trunks and I'm sorry if i've ever been even slightly of a burden for you. That's all." She quietly said, swallowing a lump in her throat. Trunks stood up and looked down at her. Her head staying down. He grasped her shoulder, pulling her into him for a hug. She wasted no time wrapping her arms around his waist, her cheek being pressed up against his bare chest. Tears slipped down her face, hugging him tighter with her eyes pinched shut.

"Mizu, I'm so sorry I made you feel that way. It'll never happen again." Trunk's heart hurt for the girl he loved the most in the world. A thought he always tried to push away, hoping it wouldn't be true. He was in love with Mizu.


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