11. The Bride to be

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       "Lovely isn't it? Don't be shy, this is our wedding banquet." Zoonama rubbed his whisker against Mizu's cheek, causing her to hold down any vomit she had ready to come up any second. She pulled a wineskin out that was given to her by a close friend of Laine.

"But first, a toast to our new found love!" She tried her best to blush, trying to think of anything and everything to make it seem like it was for him. She poured him a glass, nearly emptying it.

"Here's to a long and happy life of ours together!" She forced a smile while holding the large cup out towards him, her arms starting to get tired from the weight of it.

"You go first, i'm not thirsty, please don't let me stop you Mizu." Her smile faltered.

"But... sweetie! It's our wedding day! You have toooo~!"

"No i don't." He smirked, looking the other way.

"It's a part of the celebration though." She said through gritted teeth.

"If you want it, you drink it!" He said, yelling in Mizu's face, nearly knocking the cup out of her hands. She pointed out towards the other end of the cave with a scream, directing his attention to where she pointed. She slathered the wine into the ice cream, throwing the cup away and leaning into his side.

"I was so scared, it was a huge ugly bat!" She said, now holding up the spoon of ice cream.

"Oh Zoonamaaaa! Try these, they're really delicious."

"Hmmm, are you going to feed me?" Mizu nodded at his question, holding the giant spoon up even further.

"Only if you want me to, love." His mouth covered the end of the spoon, pulling the food off and eating it gratefully.

"Those are yummy!" She smiled, her plan was working.

"There's plenty more where that came from, here have some more!" She jumped up with the plate, shoving the rest into his mouth.

"I'm sorry, did I give you too much honey?" She asked, holding her hands together in her lap, batting her eyelashes.

"Yes, but it was tasty! I feel good." He released a hiccup.

"Mizu~ I want more!" She nervously chuckled at the beast. Glancing back at forth from him to the empty plate.

"But, they're gone."

"No that's not fair, i want more! I'll cause an earthquake if you don't give me more!" He shook around his arms, throwing a tantrum. Mizu took a step back, being cautious of his actions.

"Psst, Mizu. How's it going?" She turned around at the sound of Pan who was with Trunks, Goku, and Laine's soon to be husband, Damo.

"I spiked his food and he's going crazy." She worriedly whispered, shivers going down her spine at the feeling of Zoonama behind her.

"Who else is in here! I'm not going to let you ruin my time with Mizu!" She whipped around to face him.

"No, no. They would never! These are my good friends Zoonama! They just wanted to meet you!" His face turned red with anger as he glared down the other four.

"Get out of my face!" He screamed, punching Mizu out of his way, sending her flying into barrels and other miscellaneous items on the other side of the room.

"Mizu!" They called after to her, hoping she was alright. She rose her head, feeling dizzy. She swore that birds and stars could be seen swirling over her head.

"Come to Zoonama!"

"Gladly, wife stealer!"

"Wife stealer? How dare you!" Mizu leaped from her position, getting Pan out of the way from Zoonama's attack.

"Hey ugly, you seem to be real good at beating up on little girls! Why don't you try me instead?" Goku tested him confidently. His hands planted on his hips.

"Okay! You'll make a fine snack!" Those were Zoonama's last words until he fell backwards onto his back, immediately snoring.

"He's really out huh?" Mizu released a breath that she had been holding for hours.

"Never again." She said, throwing the dress off, rotating her neck from the stiff posture she held and straightening her pants.

"It's now or never Doma." Goku said to him. Doma rose his gargantuan scissors and cut off one of his whiskers, making a speech as he did it.

"My job is only half done, now the other one." He said, wasting his time to just snip it. Zoonama sneezed, blowing Doma back, opening his eyes.

"Deceivers! I'll kill you all!" The lava around the cave started to bubble as he started an earthquake with his remaining whisker. Mizu took Trunk's arm into her hold, hoping he'd keep the both of them steady. Zoonama stomped around, chanting random sounds, the cave tilting side to side. Mizu jumped up on Trunks, wrapping her legs around his waist with him holding her tight while his other hand held onto a nearby rock, meanwhile Goku and Pan held onto a dresser that was built into the rocks while Doma was underneath a desk, keeping his head safe. The earthquake stopped, jerking Trunks and Mizu into the floor, her face becoming buried in his chest, his body thankfully breaking her fall. All of then groaned as Zoonama continued stomping and chanting.

"It stopped?" Mizu asked herself, planting her hands onto Trunk's chest, pushing herself upwards and looking around.

"Uhm Mizu?" Trunks awkwardly said to the girl that was on top of him still.

"Oh! Sorry." She sheepishly said, parting from him as fast as she could before turning her attention towards the important matter.

"I've got it!" Everyone diverted their eyes to Pan.

"He can't cause earthquakes, he can only predict them! So he just shakes his whiskers and stops when the quake stops! Now he's too tipsy to know the earthquake is over." Mizu picked Pan up and spun her around with glee.

"You brilliant girl! You're so smart aren't you?!" Pan wriggled in her grasp, finally getting free.

"Did you get tipsy too?" Mizu just shrugged at Pan's question.

"I may have gotten a drop in my mouth, i don't really know." They revealed his secret, causing Zoonama to beg for mercy.

"There's a big earthquake coming! We're all going to die if we stay down here!" Steam blew through all different holes in the rocks, one of them going across Mizu's back, a severe burn appearing short after. She yelped at the heat and jumped forward, getting away from it.

"The Volcano is erupting!" They all ran through the caves, avoiding spitting lava coming from multiple directions. Jumping into the under water caves, Goku stayed back, throwing a kamehameha blast at the lava, giving them more time to get to safety. They jumped out the water, landing gracefully except for Zoonama who landed on his chin. Mizu turned around, looking at the volcano that was overflowing with lava.

"It's going to wipe out the whole village!"

"Or not!" Goku flew closer to it, blasting the entire thing to pieces.

"He's so cool." Mizu said, gazing at the work a 'child' had done.

"Oops! My bad!" Goku shouted from afar, causing Mizu's jaw to drop.

"He didn't even mean to do that?!"


"Here you are, this is for your bravery and prowess. It was beyond all expectation!" Laine said, dropping a dragon ball into Pan's hands.

"Thank you Laine!"

"Thank you! You've helped us more than you know.. the four of you made the impossible happen." A random guy in the crowd poked Mizu on the shoulder, gaining her attention as they continued to thank each other for things.

"Can I help you sir?" She asked politely.

"I know a few ways you can help." He said, rubbing his leg, causing her to glance down. She noticed something she wish she didn't and stepped further away from him, bumping into Trunks. All of a sudden she noticed the dragon ball was out of their hands and into someone who was floating into the sky. With shocking gasps being heard from everyone around.

"No way, nothing ever goes right I swear!"


Love Game | Trunks x Oc |Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt