The heritage of Nika

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We could see Y/n with Diane having a nice head out or date if you prefert while the city was at peace like usual.

Y/n:Man it was such a stupid idea of going to this party.

Diane:You only believed you could met your father. It was normal for you to wanted to meet him.

Y/n:Your maybe right.

As they walk in the city a portal suddenly opened under Y/n and he fall into it and it instantly close when he falled. Diane blink a few time in confusion.

Diane:...What just happened?


Y/n was expulsed of the portal and he falled on his face.


Y/n get up and he see he was in a huge arena. He get up and see a lot of people includinn Rias, her peerage and also her family. Zeoticus was sitting on a throne with Venelana sitting kn her own throne next to him and he then got up and spoke.

Zeoticus:Y/n. Rias told us who you were. The fruit of a betrayal. You tried to attack us a few days ago and know that it didn't go unnoticed.

Y/n had a deadpanned face.


Suddenly Y/n received an arrow in his back and for the first time in a while he felt...pain.

Y/n:What the?!

Y/n then remove the arrow and looked confused on why his powers didn't activated to prevent the arrow.

Zeoticus:This arrow possess a sealing spell. Now all your powers are sealed away until i decide. You will now fight your uncle Sirzech. You may be my gandson but no one touch my family without risking a feedback.

Sirzech get up from his throne and jump in the arena and remove his armor to reveal his toned body. Y/n tried to activate his powers but nothing happened. Sirzech cracked his knuckles as he smirk.

Sirzech:This will be easy.

In the tribune we couod see Alexander and Alexis watching the fight.

In the tribune we couod see Alexander and Alexis watching the fight

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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