The club

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Diana comes to Themyscira to talk to Rachel, She asks her to go undercover at a a club as a singer for a JL mission. She agrees but under the instruction that the Titans are not to know. Bruce doesn't get the message and tells Dick about the case, not knowing that Rachel is their singer. Dick decides to take everyone over to help. He is told to go home by Barbra but he refuses.

Rachel stays in Gotham with Barbra for a few days before the mission date. They get close and Barbra gives her a suit for her undercover persona. [It completely hides her identity; Mask, suit, hair with bangs and hair is white not purple.) Babs warns Rachel that Dick is there. She hides just as they arrive, she watches on from a closet. 

K- Have you heard from our Rachel? 

B- Yes, Actually I have. *SH*t, Sh*t* She is well and is having fun. 

D- Oh, that's good. 

B- No word yet on her return. She sends her love. 

G- Thank you Ms Gordon. 

B- I understand you miss her, I am sure that she will not be too much longer. 

Rachel Comes out after they leave. She is upset and crying. Babs comforts her.

B- It's alright honey. You will be home soon

R- No I can't. I haven't brought Donna back yet. I can't face them. 

B- Why is that your responsibility? She will be back when she is ready. 

R- They will be disappointed in me. 

B- Did you not hear them? They wouldn't. They want you back home. [They sit for a bit] you should go home. I can help you with the transition back. We can go collect your things and say goodbye... But I think your family would like to say goodbye too. 

R- You think so? 

B- Yes! You can show them the Theatre, your studio, It will be fun. 

R- Okay. Once this is over I will invite them to see me. 

Tim goes to the manor, he tells Dick he knows. He tells him that he wants to help, he knows the club so he can assist. Dick decides to send Tim and Gar to the show, without telling anyone. Kory is so mad. She takes them all to Barbra. They try to contact Rachel (referred to as Agent A) and the JL. Gar and Tim chat about things and the show begins. Gar freezes and Tim questions him. He tells Tim all about Rachel. Suddenly the deal goes wrong and guns fire. Gar and Tim help to file people out They get separated and comms fail. On stage Rachel spots them and stumbles, she decides to pour her heart into the songs. The shots are fired and she jumps down, ushers people out. She loses Gar and Tim. She calls Babs. [Rachel is evacuating people as she talks]

B- Agent A? What's happening?

R- Shots fired. I think it went bad. HAve you heard anything?

B- No, I haven't. I have sent a squad out. Any injuries?

R- I don't know. Shots came from the back rooms. We are evacuating everyone. 

B- Thank you.

K- Has she seen Gar or Tim.

R- Who?

B- Green haired boy? 

R- Yes I did. He had a friend. I can't see them anymore. I think they ran out the door. 

D- We will suit up and meet you there.

R- No. Say where you are. I will find them and come to you. Send me their profiles. 

B- Done. Are you sure?

R- Why was a civilian on a mission? 

B- Good Question A...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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