Soulmates again

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A supervillain casts a spell to switch everyone into their soulmate's body. the Titans write about me letters so their soulmates can read them and learn about their families. 


Rachel- My non-biological daughter. She is an amazing girl and I love her with all my heart. Make sure she takes her meds.

Gar- My non-biological son. He loves to cook and I love him so much. He is vegan so make sure whoever is in his body doesn't eat meat. Rachel usually eats the same as Gar. I wouldn't be surprised if they were soulmates honestly.

Dick- Dick is one of my best friends. He likes to wake us up at the butt crack of dawn to train which is kind of annoying. He is an incredible father and mentor to the kids and we all love him.

Connor- Connor has a dog called Krypto. Make sure someone feeds him. He is a strange boy and innocent but sweet.

Rose- Rose is a complicated girl. She has had a long life and needs extra love which there is lots to spare in this house.

Dawn- She doesn't live in the tower but sometimes drops by. She is an amazing person and the kids love and miss her so much.

Donna- My best friend other than Dick and my kids. We spent 3 months together in a van so we are very close. She is incredible and the kids and I love her. However, she gets minus points for liking jelly doughnuts.


Rachel- Rachel and I met at the start of this year when she was running away from home. I took her in and that was the start of our new family. She is an inspiration to us all and has overcome so much. I love her so much and Kory jokes that she's my soul daughter ( that She was supposed to be our kid but was lost on her way down to us) I agree with her and wish I had found her sooner.

Gar- Gar and I met after he saved Rachel. We took him in and he became part of our family. He is a crazy guy and loves to cook stuff for us to try. Some things are better than others so there are takeout menus in the tub in the kitchen and the fire extinguisher is under the sink. He is my soul son.

Kory- we met in a roller rink whilst I was trying to find Rachel. We hated each other at the start but now we are Great friends. she is an amazing mother figure to the kids.

Bruce- he is my adoptive father but you probably won't have to deal with him.

Dawn- One of my oldest friends. She was an original Titan with Donna, Hank, Garth and I.

Donna- the co-founder of Titans and my oldest friend.

Hank- he is an asshole. We have had a complicated relationship but I consider him one of my oldest friends.

Garth- not to be confused with Gar. One is green and one is underwater. He has sadly passed away but is still in the tower in spirit.

Connor- A loveable goof who has the mind of a two-year-old.

Rose- is the newest Titan junior. She didn't like us at first but now she has come round.

Jason- my adopted brother. He doesn't like any of us. At all.


Rachel- She is my best friend in the whole world. We met after she blew the roof off a convent. She is incredible and gives amazing advice on anything you need. We love watching movies together on the couch and sometimes we just sit in one of our rooms and just do separate things and still have fun. We joked last night that if we didn't have soulmates then we would be each other's soulmates. Rachel is the best and I love her with all my heart.

Kory- she is me and Rachel's soul mum we love her so much. That means that she is like our mum but not biologically. She cooks with me and gives great cuddles when I have a nightmare or when it thunderstorms.

Dick- he is our soul father. He took me in and cared for me when I needed it most. He is awesome. He can't cook to save his life so we are teaching him.


Dick- Dick has always been there for me. Apart from the entire first few weeks, I knew him. But now he is my Dad and I love him. He can't Cook so don't let him get anywhere near you with his cauliflower pizza. He has our best interests in mind and loves us despite how badly we screw up.

Kory- Kory always has supported what we want to do and loves us so much. We all love her too. She is the best Mum I have ever had. She lets me sleep in her bed when I have a nightmare or if I just want to. She does everything a normal Mum does like making us breakfast, doing my hair when I am too lazy and giving me cuddles whenever I need them.

Gar- Gar is my best friend and my soul. He is why I am here today. If he hadn't found me after blowing the roof off the convent and taken me home Kory wouldn't have made Dick realise that we are a family and fought for us to stay together. We love to cuddle on the couch and watch Friends and talk about the things that happen. He is amazing and I love him so much. He makes the best mushroom pasta and is always there for a chat if you need him. He is my soulmate.

Connor- he is a goofball but needs restraining and has no filter or common sense.

Rose- She is awesome and a total badass one of my other best friends. She's crazy though but a good crazy.

Dawn- One of Dicks OG Titans and my Aunt. She did almost die the weekend I met her so she gets some extra points for that.

Donna- The OG Titan Founder along with Dick. I went with her to Themascara to help her get better and we got quite close. She has named herself the Cool Aunt.

Hank- He is one of the other old Titans. I don't have much to say apart from that he does have a good soul under the tough outside. 

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