Secret singer *updated 16.3.24

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Rachel's secret singer

All the same but she is a secret singer on YouTube. Gar is a big fan and Jason won't admit it but thinks she is awesome. Dick knows as she had to ask for his help. Gar shows the Titans and they love it. 

She disappears from all social media and doesn't post for about 2 months whilst they are doing stuff but then reappears a few weeks into them staying at the tower.

Message on first video-

Hey everyone, I'm sorry for just disappearing but I had a lot of things come up and I couldn't get access to anything to upload and I didn't have time to do anything. There will be very irregular posts but thank you for all your support.

Gar finds her notebook full of songs, he realises and uses it in the fight.

G- I'm not spying on you. I saw it when we were sparring. Don't come at me about keeping secrets. you didn't tell me that you were the Raven.

R- What? How?

G- I saw your book. Why wouldn't you tell us? All the times we gushed about how much we loved your work.

R- It was adorable and I just couldn't bear to tell anyone. It was an outlet for my emotions. If you knew who she was you would put the pieces of the songs together. Second of all my powers are fine...


She starts to upload again when she goes to Themyscira. On Themyscira, she brings Donna back but it drains her powers so they stay for a while. Dawn joins them once she hears that Donna is back.

Message on the first vid from Themyscira-

Hey everyone, it's been a crazy few weeks. You will probably get a year's worth of songs in the next 6 weeks (They are away for 48 days. Every 4 days is one month Themyscira time. 48days=11 months ) as I have a backlog to post.

Some songs are Raven feat DT (Donna Troy) and/or Dani (Dawn's old undercover name)

They become a band and sing in a resteraunt every few weeks. (Very end is how the songs are introduced when all the titans arrive on thema to attend the festival)

Rachel sends Dick things to make Gar post for her.

Message to Dick- Hi. I miss you so much. Here are some pics from Themyscira. Please tell the others about the Raven. I will see you soon.

Mother's Day- Mom, Megan Trainor

I hope everyone has an awesome Mother's Day whether you are a birth giver, an aunt, an adoptive mom or anyone else who is celebrating today. This is my first Mother's Day with my family and I miss my mom (Kory) today more than any other. This song is for her and all the other moms and mother figures out there. We have had a rocky road the last year but I know now that I have found my real family and even though she may not like it she's stuck with us and our shenanigans. I hope my family back home did something for her. Mother's Day is a big thing where I am so we are having a big dinner tonight and I can't wait to see her again when I get home. I couldn't let today go by without shouting out to my wonderful Aunts Troy and Dani, as well as my fabulous friend Rosie (Rose). Troy let me stay here with her and has shown me and Dani everything as well as helping me write some songs like Sister, which is also a good one for today. Dani has of course been my duet partner and given me so many tips and tricks. I love you both so much and will be so sad when our trip is over. I haven't seen Rosie in a while but I hope to see them when I get home. We haven't spent a lot of time together but I love them like they are my siblings. 🥰

Everything Has Changed, Taylor Swift

At the end of last year, I found out that the woman I thought was my Birthgiver wasn't the person who gave birth to me. I then met my biological birth givers, which did not end well. But whilst all of this was happening I found my real Mom and Dad (Kory, Dick) as well as my family. We are not biologically related but we love each other like we are. Many people don't get the same chances I did and this song is for all the people who haven't met their people just yet. But you will.

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