Red & Raven

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Rachel comes back from Themyscira early. Donna thinks she is with the titans, the Titans think she is with Donna. She gets to the tower and turns around, she finds herself on a train to Michigan. She walks around her old town seeing how it has changed. she comes to her old school and sees a small plaque with a memorial for her. She heads to the hospital where Melissa worked and again there is a memorial, bigger and still with a lot of flowers. She stops and stands looking at it. She feels eyes on her and turns to see who it is. She turns as Red Hood drops behind her.

J: What are you doing back here?

R: Jason?

J: The one and only. I heard you went to Themyscira with Donna.

R: I did, she is still there.

J: She let you come all the way back to Michigan on your own?

R: No. She put me on a plane back to SF, I got on the train to Michigan.

J: So they don't know you are here?

R: No. Why are you in Michigan?

J: A job. Want me to put you back on a train to SF?

R: I don't know.

An ambulance whizzes past and Rachel's gem glows.

J: Let's get you out of here before someone sees you.

They go back to his motel room and he says he will take her back to Gotham and she can figure something out. They go back and share his tiny studio apartment. Rachel is taken to see the suit maker. He makes her two suits, one for her in Gotham and one for her in the Titans. Red Hood and The Raven join forces, she refuses to take part in any major crimes. Batman tries to stop them but realises pretty quickly they only want to do good and takes a step back. Rachel is given two lightsabers instead of using her powers. Suddenly 2 months has passed and the Titans arrive for Barbara Gordon's wedding. 

She uses a light-sabre instead of her powers, she used it in her warrior training

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She uses a light-sabre instead of her powers, she used it in her warrior training.

Titans Tower- 1 week after Rachel leaves Themyscira.

The Titans follow Red Hood and The Ravens' adventures but they don't realise who they are. Donna returns and surprises them whilst they are eating dinner. 

{The lift doors open and they all turn}

Do- That smells amazing, any left for me? 

{They rush her} 

Di- Why didn't you tell us you were back?

Do- Cell signal is bad on Themyscira. I thought Rachel would have told you. Where is she anyway?

K- Rachel? You have her. 

Do- No, I sent her back weeks ago, I put her on the plane myself. 

G- You sent her home?!

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