The conference

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Rachel is invited to a conference as a delegate from Themyscira. Unknown to her and Diana, the Titans also are attending the conference.

Day 1-Welcome Party-

There are no vegan meals for Gar and Rachel. Rach leaves to go find some dinner, Gar spots her leaving and follows. They talk for a little bit. Rach holding back and not saying much about Themyscira. He sees that and makes sure he is actively listening.

Day 2 - Conference-

Rachel stays with the delegates from Themyscira. She chats with the titans a little bit but not much. At dinner, she eats with delegates. Diana turns up after dinner. She talks with Rachel, who opens up about her experience on Themyscira (She was locked in the room w/Donna by high ups.) Diana comforts her and says that if she chooses to go back, Diana will not let her out of her reach". She decides to go back to collect her things. She also asks if Rachel wants to perform one more time. (She sang for a little while at a restaurant, she became very popular) Rachel says yes, Diana goes to see the Titans. They ask what happened to Rachel and why she's acting weird. She tells them an edited version of her story. They are asked to not tell her that they know. They agree but later that night Dick goes to her and tells her he knows. He comforts her while she talks about it.

"R- sorry for crying. You didn't need me to ruin your night.
D- You cry if you want I'm here for you to talk to.
R- I know, thank you for everything you've done for me.
D- Of course you are my kid, I will always be here.
R- I love you dad.
D- I love yo.... Wait, what did you call me?
R- Dad... I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to (He hugs her and kisses her on the head.)
D- Don't be sorry, I'm honoured that you feel like that.
R- You are my dad, you have looked after me more than any other adult in my life ever has. You're the one who tucked to me into bed when I was scared. You stayed up with me when I had nightmares. You didn't have to do that but you didD- Thank you for bringing so much light to my world, you saved my life."

Day 3- Ball-

She gets ready solo. Kory turns up to see her. 

R- Hi Kory!
K- Wow, Babe you look amazing!
R- So do you, come in! How can I help you?
K- I heard about what happened on Themyscira.
R- I know. Dick came to see me last night.
K- Oh so that's where he went. I have a little present for you
R- You didn't need to do that
K- I want to... Well, I need to (passes box over and Rachel opens it.)
R- Wow, this is so cool, I can't take this. It's too much.
K- No, it's yours, it is from Tamaran. Kom sent it a few weeks ago
R- Wow
K- It is the first Tiara that my mother got, it was passed down from her mother and her grandmother and generations before her.
R- Why are you giving it to me?
K- Because you haven't had one before,  it's tradition for the firstborn daughter of the holder to receive it.
R- Your daughter? You should keep this for you and Dick's kid.
K- Rach, I love you so much, you've made me a much better person since I've met you. You don't have to take it, but it will always be yours.
R- I would love to wear it
K- Really?
R- Yes of course, I love you so much, you saved me so many times, you show us so much love and care. I am so happy that you call me your daughter.
K- You're gonna make me cry
R- Don't cry Momma. (Slips out)
K- Oh God, (She starts to cry) Come here and I will help you. (She helps Rachael to the Tiara and it changes to fit in with Rachel's aesthetic.)
R- This is awesome
K-You look beautiful
R- I look like you (They hug) I actually have something for you too. (She pulls out her box from her suitcase and hands it to Kory)
K- Did you make this?
R- Yes, my neighbour was a metalworker and she helped me to make it for you. I wore it myself while I was there, it helped me to stay positive. Thinking about you all. (Hug)
K- It's amazing, I will wear it every day.

The ball begins and they walk down the stairs together. Dick, Gar, Tim and Connor are waiting at the bottom of the stairs. Connor nudges Gar and points his head. They all look and gawk at the girls coming down the stairs. They walk over to the boys. 

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