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When Rachel and Kory first start out they go to a bookshop for a cup of coffee. Rachel points out all her favourite books and Kory tells her that she doesn't like to read books. (They don't have fantasy style books on her planet.) Rachel tells her that A series of unfortunate events is the best series to start with and that she has the first book in her backpack. She reads the first book to Kory. They get halfway thru by the time they arrive at the house and when they split up she gives Kory the book to finish.

In the safehouse after rescuing angela. 

(They are both sitting on the couch, Rachel is reading to Kory. Angela walks down the corridor into the kitchen.)
A- Gar, what's going on with them? 

G- What? Oh yeah, Rachel has been reading to Kory. It's sweet. 

A- Okay. (Gar walks away, Rachel notices Angela)

R- Hi Mom. 

A- Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt. 

K- It's okay, we were just reading. 

A- I'm heading to bed. I will see you both in the morning. 

R- I better go to bed too. It's been a long day. (She stands up)

K- Okay, sleep tight. 

R- I'll try. (Rachel hugs Kory and walks away with Angela, Kory looks at Rachels retreating back.) 

D- You really love that child, don't you?

K- I do, but I don't know why. 

D- I'm glad she's back with her Mom. 

K- Does Angela not give off a weird vibe? 

D- What do you mean?

K- I don't know. It doesn't matter. 

Standing on the road.

K- Got everything?

R- Yep, I wish you were coming too.

K- So do I. But I think that 20 more hours in the car with Dicks terrible driving and Gar's constant talking might just tip me over the edge. But I'm sure you will have fun.

R- Heh. Just promise me you won't go back to your planet without saying goodbye to me.

K- I'm not going home just yet. I like earth I think I might travel around for a while, meet more people and try more of the food.

R- Okay. Oh! I have something for you. (She takes off her backpack and rummages for the book) For you. You need to finish it, It gets so good.

K- I can't. It's your book.

R- I can get a new one. This one is for you. Plus once you finish it you have an excuse to come see us so we can start the next one.

K- Thank you. I will. (They hug)

D- Come on Rach. We need to head out....

She waves them off and Donna stands next to her.

Do- what's that you have?

K- A book. Rachel had been reading it to me. She said that I needed to finish it.

Da- Oh gosh. It's an amazing series. 

K- It's fascinating. We don't have books like this on my planet. It's all information and fact books.

H- what a depressing place.

She opens the front cover and inside Rachel has written.

For Kory,

Thank you for everything you have done for me. I hope we see each other again soon.

I love you.

Rachel xxx

Inside there are scribbles of notes or comments Kory made whilst they were reading. Also fliers and coasters from places they had been. Drawings of them all and little drawings of the places they have been.

Da- What's up? (She passes the book forwards in the car to Dawn) Oh how sweet. 

K- Did I just make a terrible mistake?

Do- Taking her book?

K-Leaving her. 

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