Chapter Fifteen

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'Can I go to the bathroom?' 

'Sure, go ahead.'

Shun closes his classroom door gently before heading the way that he's supposed to go. He walks through the school's corridor, humming a catchy song ignoring how he already passed twice by a bathroom.

Finally, he arrives at the library, the place where almost no one was, except nerds and of course horny teenagers that want to make out in the middle of a schoolday.

Shun moves to the back of the not-so-little room and chuckles to himself. That said, he's not a nerd.

Leaving only one option open.

As he was waiting he decided to read some of the covers, because why not? I mean, the person he's waiting for has his classes far away from the library, which is a huge pain in the ass by the way. 'The world and math. ew did I actually end up in a maths section?'

'Without maths the world wouldn't even exist, stop making that face.' 

Shun turns around and quickly beams at the sight of the male he's been waiting for. 'BlaBlaBla. Big talk from a nerd like you.' he teases, stepping closer to the blond, his arms behind his back. 'Took you long enough.'

'We really have to stop doing this between classes.' Aqua says blankly ignoring the beautiful smile playing on the boy's lips.

Shun leans even closer, their noses touching. 'Do we though?'

'Yes.' Aqua breathes out before closing the gap, shoving the male against the bookcases, making two random books fall on the ground. Shun chuckles, wrapping one of his arms around the boy's neck, and with the other, he grips onto the wooden material of the bookcase tightly.

Shun pulls back leaning his head against the hard material, trying to feel every wet kiss Aqua was gifting the skin on his neck and collarbone. He swallows thickly. 'What did you say?'

'Bathroom, you?'

'Same, shit, we don't have much time then...' The black-haired male says annoyed before tilting Aqua's head up from his neck with his hand. 'Let's make most of it, alright?' Aqua hums, as he leans in again. 'You're so desperate.' Shun whispers putting his fingers on Aqua's lips with a smirk.

Aqua grasps the hand and pushes it away from his face gently. 'I'm the desperate one?' he muses, pecking Shun's lips twice. The boy smiles mischievously. 'You're the one chasing after my lips.'

This time Shun didn't remark anything back, but that's because Aqua pulled away from him. 'Where are you going?' Shun asks with a small frown.

'Back to my class.'

'Wha..-' Shun makes a clicking noise with his tongue annoyed. 'Whatever.' Shun watches how Aqua tries to fix his hair the best he can before sighing. 'Don't tell anyone about this. About us.'

Aqua raises an eyebrow genuinely confused. 'Us? This?' the blond squints his eyes at the male in front of him. 'There is no us. We're doing this for fun, right?'

Shun gives him an irritated look. 'Whatever.' he mumbles before leaving Aqua behind.




Shun bows in front of his co-workers with a blank face. 'My name is Shun Arima and I've been cast for the role of Kizami.' he states before standing up straight again and gently slapping Kana on her back. Today was the first day on the new project he's gonna be working on, Toyko Blade.

'Oh! I'm Kana Arima from Strawberry Productions. My role is Tsurugi.' the girl says after giving her brother a small glare.

'Also from Strawberry Productions, Aqua Hoshino. I'll be playing Touki.' Aqua introduces himself.

Shun turns to the door when hearing it open, a guy with two hair colors walks in. 'Whoa! You guys are ten minutes early. But since everyone's already here, let's start the introduction.' the male smiles giving them a peace sign with his hands. 'My name is Raida. I'm the lead producer of this project.'

Shun didn't pay attention to any words that came out of the male's mouth after that until it was Akane's turn. The girl introduced herself with a sweet smile, making Kana stiff up and Shun sigh at his sister.

'And finally, our lead actor.' Raida says looking over at a man who is sleeping against the wall. Raida deadpans before kicking the guy awake. 'Wake up, you dummy!'

The guy jolts wake and rubs his head with a sigh. 'Whoops, sorry. I'll be playing the role of..-'

Someone cuts him off. 'What's his name again?'

Shun winces. 'Awkward.'

The guy didn't seem bothered. 'Oh, well, whatever. I'm Taiki Himewaka.'

Shun glances at Aqua from the corner of his eyes, confused when he sees the same stiffening from his side.

Raida suddenly opens his arms wide with an excited smile. 'Let's work together to make this stage play of Toyko Blade a success!.' he shouts extremely excitedly.

(End Chapter 41 on Manga)

'Stop staring.' Shun mumbles, taking a sip of his water, as if he wasn't staring at Akane and Aqua talking himself. Kana grumbles under her breath annoyed. 'You know they're dating, right?' he asks playing dumb.

Kana shakes her head, raising a knowing finger.  'I- It did look like it in the show, right? But I bet they're doing it for the sake of business.' she says proudly as Shun hums the grip on his water bottle tightening at the sight of Aqua and Akane being so close.

'But they seem pretty close.' Shun blurts out.

'Right?!' Kana whines.

Shun averts his eyes to the script and not even a second later the director walks in, claiming that they're gonna start the script reading. The male stands up from his chair and gives Kana a small smile. 'Come on, Kana.'



'You're the Arima siblings, correct?' Taiki, if Shun remembered correctly asks. The male with black hair and glasses nods Kana's way. 'I can see that you're holding back. There is no need to do so, act all out.'

Kana's eyes widen and Shun's does too, but not because of his words but because of the thoughts running inside his mind. Black hair and glasses... Shun is not saying that he has a certain type but those two features were also present in his ex-husband's body. 

Shun feels his cheeks heating up as he looks down, mentally cursing himself out while Kana nods at the man's words with a wide smile.

A while later Kana and Shun were together, helping each other with their lines, but that was until they were politely interrupted. 'Arimas.'

Both of them look up and Shun couldn't help but stare at this person's features longer than needed. 'Do both of you wanna grab something to eat?' Taiki asks and Shun immediately nods excited, pulling an as excited Kana with him.

'Yes! I have tons of questions to ask you.' the girl beams, as the three of them slowly walk to the door to leave.

Shun could feel Aqua's stare on him, the heated look he was giving him. 

And he enjoyed every fucking second of it.


Working with the Manga is hard. There is so much useless shit and so much information. And honestly, it feels different.

I think this could work! Stay with me as I learn.

Thank you for reading!

If there are any spelling mistakes please say so!

Manga Chapters 41 and 42


Stereo Love | Aquamarine x Male OcTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon