Chapter One

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The male was still confused while laying inside a crib. He learned quite a few things, his mother seems like a sweet and caring person with a wonderful smile that captivated many.  But there seems to be some kind of toxicity inside of her.

He doesn't know why, maybe it was because of her eyes. His mother's eyes showed nothing but dullness.

He also learned his sister's name, Kana. The girl had red hair and beautiful red eyes. Nothing like the male himself. Shun had black hair with helder blue eyes. He surely didn't take after his mother. They looked nothing alike.

He and his sister shared a room and the male quickly learned how annoying it was to have a sibling, while the male wanted to do nothing but sleep the girl cried and cried all night.

Kana cried a lot leaving him sleepless. 

Although his mother always came to rock the girl around softly and make her stop crying, she would always sleep only for one single hour before starting to cry again which drove him completely crazy.

He always fought the urge to ask his mother for his own room, but he didn't, because you know, kids don't talk. That's why sometimes he crawled out of his crib, walked over to the living room, and slept on the sofa. Most of the time his mother didn't even notice those events, which was a huge relief.

He only got himself his room three years later. And thank god for that. Although it had a downside, since that year his mother changed completely. His mother became obsessed with the idea of him and his sister becoming actors. She made them do small scenes in movies or even commercials at the age of three.

He never knew how to act, he was smart, and used to be a lawyer but never in his life had he acted before. He remembered feeling nervous about his first time on stage and that's when he realized that Shun Arima knew how to act even at such a young age much to his surprise.

His sister Kana was also a good actor, although she got known for crying in ten seconds flat. (He thought the name fit her) The two of them when performing together always seemed to be in perfect harmony, that's part of why they're somewhat well known.

Now a five year old Shun Arima sat on his bed with his mom's phone in his hands. He asked her for his own phone but the woman said to him that he was too young. So he'd have to use his mom's phone for now.

'Shun! Shun!' his sister yells when bursting open his room's door. Shun turns his head around seeing the big smile on the girl's face. He puts the phone down giving his sister his full attention.

Surprisingly he and his sister got along pretty well. After the girl turned two their relationship grew (Mostly because he didn't hear her cry anymore) and Shun quickly got attached to her. They did everything together, Shun was like her guardian angel. Kana admired her brother and that's why she wanted to tell him the news she just got.

She wanted to make her twin brother proud.

Kana jumped on his bed with a small giggle. Shun gave the child a sweet smile mentally telling her to go on. 'They gave me a role!' she stated proudly literally shaking with anticipation while hugging her brother's side.

'Woah! Really?' Shun asks with a surprised face, even though he already knew. He checked his mom's mail while playing around on her phone, he saw the mail from the director and also another application for a movie. He could only guess that his mother signed him up for something.

Kana nods rapidly. 'You think mom will see how good I am?'

Shun's face falters for a second before patting the girl on her head. 'I'm sure she already does, Kana' the girl smiles at her brother brightly.

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