35) Goodbye Isn't Farewell

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Two months had passed since devastation landed in New York City.

Homes had been decimated, landmarks destroyed, and too many people killed.

The Battle of New York was brutal.

You were sitting quietly on the deck area of the warehouse. Your journal was balanced on your lap, a cup of steaming coffee sat comfortably at your side, and your phone was playing Rock Radio. The wind was gentle and birdsong filled the air, making it appear as if nothing had ever disrupted the peace of the state. It seemed almost impossible how quick nature had moved on.

Your brows were furrowed and you subconsciously bit your lip as you detailed your latest vacation. A trip to Florida courtesy of Director Fury. He had all but insisted you take a week or two off since all you did was work and work, therefore leading to your vacation with pay.

You had an amazing time in Miami first. It had been surreal to return to a city as vibrant as Malibu had once been and you spent the majority of your first week partying and taking in every little detail of every single place. Your second week, on the other hand, had been spent at Disney World, filling your heart with childlike glee and wonder.

As you wrote down your experiences, there was a ping from your phone which had previously been playing some hits from Def Leppard. You paused writing to dig it out and take a look, surprised to see that the host of Rock Radio had a special guest.

Your dad.

"Afternoon, folks." The host greeted with a bright tone. "That was Def Leppard with 'Animal'. The English bands really are the forefathers of rock, am I right?"

Your dad's voice spoke next.

"Apparently they just know what we like." Tony said with an air of flamboyance you were actually relieved to recognize. "You can't beat Sabbath."

"Truer words were never spoken." The host laughed. "So, as y'all can guess, I'm here on this fine Monday with the one and only Tony Stark. How's life as a superhero, Tony?"

"I prefer the word 'savior.'" He joked.

"Savior it is. What's it like?"

"Well, you got the adoring fans, the creepy fanfiction, the questionable gifts in the PO box... It's a lot."

As he went on to explain both detailed and brief parts of his new life, you couldn't help simply just listening and smiling. He'd make sarcastic quips and the usual Stark jokes and you would laugh at every one of them. Every few minutes a song would lead to a break from the interview but you waited patiently every time just to hear your dad's voice again.

After perhaps an hour, FRIDAY spoke through your phone, lowering the volume of the interview as she did.

"Miss Stark?"

You leaned back a little, surprised by the interruption. "Hey, FRI. What's up?"

"Can I ask you something, Miss?"


"I was analyzing your vitals via the SWM system you installed and noted your heart rate spike when Mr. Stark is mentioned. The biosynthetic pathway is almost immediate."

You smiled. "That's because I'm happy."

"I'm aware of that, Miss, but I do not know why. The stories you tell me of your childhood concern a less than ideal relationship with Mr. Stark. I would compare the feeling to resentment."

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