10) The Truth

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Ben was going next door to offer you some dinner. Usually you'd join their family every other evening but tonight you hadn't shown up at all which was a little concerning. He had a warm plate in his hand as he knocked on the door and waited a bit.

"Ellen?" He asked after he got no reply. "Ellen, it's Ben."

There was still no reply so he knocked again. Just like the first time, he got nothing back. Maybe you were out?

He was about to turn away when he heard a loud thud from inside the apartment.

"Ellen?" He called a little louder, knocking more feverishly.

He held the door handle and tried to force it open, now more worried. It took him only three attempts before the door swung open and he saw you on the floor, unmoving and seemingly passed out.

"Ellen!" He put down the plate of dinner as quickly as he could and closed the door before running to your side. "(Y/n)? (Y/n), can you hear me?"

He gently shook your shoulders but you didn't respond to that either. He then noticed the news report on the TV and realized what might have happened. He patted down his jacket until he found his cell phone and then he called the only number that made sense in the situation.

"Fury?" He asked when the line picked up. "(Y/n) needs help."


You couldn't remember much when you woke up. You felt confused, dizzy, and ill all at the same time. It was like a hangover.

You just about recognized the walls of your bedroom and the feel of the blanket beneath your body, but the bright light above blocked most of that out. Two figures sat at the end of the bed in a hushed discussion that you couldn't make out. You tried to sit up, still somewhat disoriented, and groaned a little as you felt a small pang of pain in your head.

"(Y/n)!" One of the figures was Ben and he was at your side in an instant, holding your hand. "Hey, how are you?"

You almost didn't respond because you hadn't heard your real name in so long. But you managed a tiny nod.

"Alive." You mumbled. "I think?"

"Good." He smiled. "We think you fainted or collapsed. I found you an hour ago."

"'We'?" You looked at the other figure who you now determined to be Fury and managed a weak smile of your own. "Evening, Director."

"Campbell." He nodded. "You gave Ben quite the scare."

"Yeah... Sorry about that, Ben." Then you remembered why everything went black. "Shit. My dad, the house! There was an explosion!"

"We're searching for Stark." Fury told you. "We believe he survived."

You were still panicked. "And Pepper? Is she okay? What about Happy?"

"I have a team determining Ms. Potts' location as we speak. As for Mr. Hogan, he was hospitalized a few days ago."

"What?" You slumped down. "What happened?"

"An explosion at the TCL Chinese Theater. He was injured and declared comatose. Fortunately, that's no longer the case."


"Los Angeles Mercy Hospital."

"Can I see him?"

There was a hesitance.

"Are you sure that's wise?" He questioned.

"Not at all." You replied. "I'll visit when he's asleep. No one has to know I was there. But I need to do something else first." You took a moment to consider what you were about to ask. "Can you take me to Malibu?"

The Runaway Distance: Life of a Little StarkWhere stories live. Discover now