33) The Warehouse

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You were exhausted.

It was a few weeks after The Mandarin destroyed your childhood home, and you had spent hours attempting to fix up something you'd retrieved from the rubble.

A stuffed bear.

It was your lunch break and you were huddled behind a desk on the SHIELD helicarrier with an empty coffee cup, a very messy lab, and a tablet playing a YouTube video on how to sew. You'd think that being one of the top engineers at the top spy agency in the world would grant knowledge on basic sewing ability.


You were hunched over the table with a tiny needle in one hand and the tiny thread in the other. Your eyes were narrowed and your hands were trembling as you tried desperately to thread it correctly.

"All I want..." You muttered, attempting it again. "Is to fix... This damn ear!"

You sighed in exasperation as you yet again missed the eye of the needle.

As you dropped everything out of frustration, the door to the lab opened with a ping and Hill walked in. She had a cafeteria tray in her hands which consisted of an apple, a bottle of water, a main meal, and a side of cake.

She knew you well enough to know that you wouldn't eat unless reminded, and the fact that the only wrappers in the room were instant coffee ones, her worries were justified. Not to mention she was certain that Fury wouldn't approve if his star engineer wound up starving to death.

"Hi." You mumbled.

She couldn't resist a smile. "Rough day?"

"The roughest."

She walked over and set the tray down on the only vacant bit of table left over. As she caught sight of your tablet playing the sewing video, she arched a brow.

"The Director really wasn't kidding."

You lifted your head slightly to glance at her. "Hmm?"

"Sewing For Dummies." She read aloud.

"Oh." You dropped your head again. "I can make an AI, I can solve the most complex sums and equations, and I can maintain any kind of engine, but I can't thread a goddamn needle."

"Nobody's perfect."

"But how hard can it be? I mean, sewing is sewing!"

"Yeah, it is kinda embarrassing." She teased. "You're a genius and you're beaten by a thread."

You playfully glared. "Shut up."

"Hey, it's fine. Let me."

"What, you think you can do it?"

"I know I can."

You scoffed. "Bit cocky there, Agent."

Hill teased you with a smile once more before shooing you out of the chair. You grumbled about it but pulled up another chair from one of the other desks anyway.

"Eat." Your friend told you, motioning to the tray she'd brought in.

You sat down with a huff. "Yes, Mom."

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