9) Making Friends

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It had been a while since the Avengers had formed. A few months now.

You felt a sense of longing every time you saw your dad on TV or in the papers and it hurt more each time. Part of you had forgotten why you were running, but the other part was still as scared as ever. Sometimes it gave you a headache just thinking about it, and so you stayed away anyway.

You were in your lab now and just messing about with everything. You looked for improvements, faults, and just to keep yourself busy. You were talented at making weapons which wasn't surprising considering your family history.

However, as you glanced out the window, you almost choked on your coffee upon seeing none other than Steve Rogers and Nick Fury outside. You awkwardly glanced around for signs of any other Avengers but thankfully it only appeared to be the captain.

You took a very drawn out breath before putting the coffee next to a sandwich you had on a clean counter. You straightened your jacket and brushed your hair down before walking out of the door.

You approached, keeping a calm appearance. "Morning, boys."

Fury turned to you. "Captain Rogers, meet Agent Campbell. The genius behind the new suit."

"It's a pleasure." Steve said, shaking your hand. "Thank you for the adjustments."

"No problem." You smiled. "The old one was a little, well... Old. I added some modern tech to give you every advantage I can."

"I appreciate it."

As you talked, Fury excused himself, leaving just you and Steve in the hallway. Eventually you moved into your lab so it was quieter.

"So, how is the new world treating you?" You asked, picking up the coffee on the counter.

"It's... New." Steve said, shrugging. "I guess the cars are different, so are the clothes and the technology. Even the food is overwhelming sometimes. We just used to boil everything."

You nodded in understanding. "It can't be easy having to adjust. If it helps, I think you're doing pretty well. I know I'd be freaking out."

"Thanks." He smiled. "I've been using the Internet a lot, trying to catch up."

"That might take a while." You told him. "But you know, there's these movies I really like, the Mummy series. It's mostly focused on Egyptian history but it's still fun and is actually pretty educational. If you've got the time, I'd definitely recommend it."

"I'll keep it in mind. Thanks. Again."

The two of you shared a laugh and you set down your coffee. "What else do you do? I mean, other than the whole Avenging gig. Any hobbies? I like making things clearly."

Steve looked around the lab, taking everything in. "Impressive. I'm afraid I don't do anything nearly as fascinating as this. I just draw."

"Hey, that's pretty great. Got a preference?"

"Not really. But I do like landscapes, I guess."

"Maybe you can show me sometime. Ooh, wait, that reminds me." You turned and rummaged through your stuff, eventually taking out something to show him. "This is an Ipad. It takes some getting used to but you can draw anything you like on it with a whole bunch of tools and styles. If it's too much too soon, I get it, but if you feel like giving it a shot, I'm more than happy to help."

But instead of looking uncomfortable or unnerved at the prospect of the tiny electronic device being capable of drawing whatever he wanted, Steve actually smiled again. He looked grateful.

"Maybe I'll take you up on that." He said.

You put the Ipad down and clapped happily. "Great! I've got a bunch of stuff to do today, but I'll work on it with you tomorrow if I can."

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