We meet again

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Summer's pov.

"Here, girl."

I woke up to the sound of Granny's voice. A great way to start a day. Note the sarcasm. I squinted my eyes from the sunlight. I blinked a few times and looked around. Granny was throwing fruits in the ocean. While the males looked at her like she was crazy. I stood up and walked over to the males.

"Here, Precious.", called Granny and threw another fruit in the ocean.

Sid smiled, "She thinks she finally found her pet."

I, Diego, and Sid laughed.

"Summer, eat something. You need to.", demanded Diego.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to the side where the fruits were. Diego had chosen the fruits I liked the most. He can be such a sweetheart. I started eating grapes and also looked at Granny.

"Good girl. Here you go.", continued Granny.

Manny rushed to her and pushed the basket with the fruits aside.

"Granny, Summer is pregnant. She needs those. Can't you throw imaginary food to your imaginary pet?", rambled Manny.

Granny glared at him, before throwing fruit that was in her paw. I almost choked on the grapes. Didn't Granny listen to anything Manny said? I smiled. Granny is so stubborn.

Manny sighed, "Enough already. We need to keep a lookout for home."

Manny walked away. Granny murmured something to 'Precious' and walked away.

"You can't take your eyes off her for one minute.", complained Manny.

I smiled and walked over to them.

"Nope, it's like having a child.", stated Diego.

We looked at Granny and she pushed the whole basket into the water.

"Only without any of the joy.", I commented.

Manny, Diego, and Sid chuckled at my comment.

"Hey, brain trust.", shouted Granny, we looked at her confusingly, "Brace for impact."

We looked behind us and saw that we were about to crash into a rock. Manny immediately rushed to the wheel and turned it. In the distance, we saw an island. I smiled.

"Guys, look.", exclaimed Manny, "We're almost home."

I laughed in triumph.

"Buddy, I never doubted you.", stated Diego, referring to Manny.

"Me either.", added Sid, "Except for the six or seven times I thought we were going to die."

Peaches' pov.


I was following Ethan and the rest.

"Guys, over here. Come on, it's a shortcut.", said Ethan.

All of us walked into the cave.

"You're going to love this.", stated Ethan.

"Come on, girls, let's have some fun."

I looked ahead, "Wow!"

The cave was upside down.

"This is so cool."

"It's like we're upside down."

"That is amazing."

I smiled, "Echo!"

Ice Age: Continental Drift//Diego x OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora