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Summer's pov.

I was lying down, breathing heavily. It was hot. Really hot. The ice block would have melted if not for the water.

The heat wasn't very healthy for me. I am pregnant.

The reason why we are burning so much is that our fur is thick. So we wouldn't get cold.

I heard steps beside me. I weakly opened my eyes and saw Diego collapse next to me.

"HOW BIG IS THIS OCEAN?!", screamed Manny.

I forced my eyes to open and sat up slowly.

"Water, water, everywhere.", Sid spoke up and slid down, "Nor any drop to drink."

Sid looked at the ocean, "Well, except maybe that drop."

"Sid, don't.", I tried to warn him.

Sid dug his head in and drank it.

"That's a little...", he continued, before his face scrunched, "...salty."

"Precious!", shouted Granny.

She was walking towards the ocean, if not Manny she would have fallen in.

"Mommy's calling you. Precious! Come here, sweetie."

Granny went up to Diego and smacked him with her stick, "Hey, lady, have you seen Precious?"

"If you mean the imaginary, or perhaps deceased, pet...that you keep searching for, no, I haven't.", stated Diego and Granny walked away.

Suddenly, we heard a squeal. It was a bird's squeal. I looked up and saw a seagull.

"Guys, look. Where there are birds, there's land, right?", I said.

"Hey, buddy, come here.", called Diego.

The seagull squealed and flew away.

"No, wait, wait! Come back. Come back!", shouted Manny.

I sighed, "At least we tried."

Suddenly, I heard laughing. I saw something in front of us. Diego stood next to me and looked ahead. He hummed and squinted his eyes.

"Am I hallucinating or is that ice coming straight toward us?", asked Diego.

"Yeah, yeah, it's coming. It sounds like there are animals on it.", exclaimed Manny.

"Yippee! We're being rescued, we're being rescued!", cheered Sid and started dancing.

Granny walked up next to me.

"I hear laughter.", I stated suspiciously, looking at Granny with a worried expression.

Sid turned around with a smile, "Must be a party cruise."

Suddenly, a skull was thrown. It had a rope tied to it. The skull's teeth dig into the ice. Then, more skulls were thrown. The ice swam closer to us and now it looked like a ship.

I got an uneasy feeling. And the scent smelled somehow familiar.

From the ship popped up a sea elephant.

"Hey, they look fluffy.", the sea elephant said.

"I get the big woolly one.", said a female kangaroo.

Then popped up a badger, a warthog, a seagull, and a rabbit. The last one...

The ground literally slipped from my feet. I couldn't believe it. I thought I'd never see him again. The very familiar dark brown saber tooth tiger.

"Slash?", I whispered with wide eyes.

He looked down at us and then he looked at me. His eyes widened.

Ice Age: Continental Drift//Diego x OCTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang