Sid's family

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Diego's pov.

"I think we're almost there!", exclaimed a female.

"We better be! I just lost the steering.", spoke a male.

I widened my eyes.

What kind of nutjobs was driving this thing?

They made a small turn.

"Has anyone seen Precious? It's her feeding time.", spoke an old lady.

"Mom! Granny's talking about her dead pet again.", exclaimed a boy, as I assume.

"Hey, paws up, everybody!", exclaimed another male.

"Paws down, Uncle, please! That is nasty.", complained the boy.

We made another turn and went downhill. It was crazy. I had never been that frightened in my whole life. Well, except for the moment when Summer gets angry. Then you run for dear life. The log jumped another hill.

"Be careful, Milton you're going to hurt somebody!", exclaimed the female.

At that very moment, I climbed to the front. I looked at them and saw that they were...sloths? The female sloth gasped. They had greenish fur. Reminds me of someone.

"Bad kitty!", she exclaimed as she slapped me rapidly.

Then all of them looked ahead and screamed. Before I knew it, I was swung face down towards the old sloth. I rammed into her and she got tied up on my back. As I fell on the snow, I tried to hold on with my claws. But to no luck, I got dragged back. I was sliding and screaming, while the granny on my back seemed to enjoy it. Before I knew it I was flung off the cliff.

Thank god for the ropes. We quickly went to another hill and slid down.

Summer's pov.

"Okay, so tell me, when exactly will I be allowed to hang out with boys?", asked Peaches, me still standing next to her.

"When I'm dead, plus three days. Just to make sure I'm dead.", answered Manny.

I scoffed.

Diego's pov.

I started dragging myself towards the log, to tell the sloths to stop. In the distance, I saw Peaches and Summer. We were going straight towards them. I jumped and grabbed onto a tree, hoping to stop the log.

Summer's pov.

I and Peaches looked to the side, only to see a log full of sloths going straight towards us. We screamed and crouched down. But luckily, the sloths flew over our heads, straight to Manny. Peaches pushed the log away. I looked ahead and saw Diego, standing up a little dizzy. Though, he had something on his back. Or like someone. I looked back and, as I predicted, all the sloths were on Manny.

"Manny, are you okay?", asked Ellie.

He slowly stood up, all the sloths falling except for one. One was stuck.

"Get off...", started Manny and ripped off the sloth from his trunk, " face!"

Manny dropped the sloth on the ground. The sloth laughed a little and lifted his head, only to come face to face with angry Diego.

I like it when he's angry.

"That was fun. Now, who should I eat first?", asked Diego.

He unsheathed his claw and cut the vines on his back, making the old sloth fall down. Diego then started taking threatening steps towards the sloth.

"No, no, no!"

Diego put his paw on the sloth's throat, making him scream, while Diego growled. I smirked a little.

Ice Age: Continental Drift//Diego x OCWhere stories live. Discover now