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He still couldn't believe Randar's decision. How could he be capable of not sending aid? Was he so blind that he couldn't see that if they didn't stop the orcs at Zork, their cities would be next? According to rumors, the orcs had marched through the city of Toro without much trouble. Kimana hadn't seen the orcs herself; she, Gorult, and Herald were already in Clarus at that time. They were there to discuss something, but Robert officially didn't know what it was.However, it was clear to him. Kimana had probably tried to convince Randar to make her mother, Astrid, the duchess of the Batavia realm. 

Now that Jordaan had managed to lose the gemstone, he made an enormous blunder for the second time as duke. First, a quarter of the population died in his capital, and now he lost the gemstone that had been guarded for generations in his capital. He and his wife, Esmeralda, practically didn't guard their medallion. Esmeralda wore it around her neck almost all the time. The Jura realm had had no problems for generations. Everyone was friendly to each other, and the Electus family was respected as dukes. Their right to power had never been questioned.

It was different for the Batavia realm. The Filony family already had the right to become the ruling family, according to Robert. They were related to the royal family, and Duke Maximiliaan Gurton had no heirs. Jordaan becoming duke instead of Kimana, Herald, or Astrid was beyond belief. However, there was no time to dwell on this. First, he had to make the threat of the orcs disappear with his knights. Once that was dealt with, he could go to Toro with his troops to assist further. After all this, he would convene a meeting with the noble houses of Borgon. Randar was clearly not fit to be king, and Jordaan also needed to be removed from his position.

As he entered the stables, controlled chaos reigned. Every knight was busy preparing their horse as quickly as possible to leave for Zork. When he reached his horse, he saw a servant still busy brushing it. "That's enough, Veronica. Tell my wife that she can assign you other tasks. There are more important matters at hand than brushing my horse. Maybe take a look at the hooves of the horses of the common villagers. They volunteer to fight alongside us, so we must ensure their horses are fully equipped." 

"Of course, Duke Electus, I will go check the other stables immediately." Veronica had only been working in their court for a few weeks, but she was excellent. She carried out every task given to her meticulously. His wife's two head servants, Kiki and Sonja, generally did their work well too. However, they tended to gossip and were often around his wife, Esmeralda. Veronica, on the other hand, was there for his wife but also performed various other tasks. The other servants could learn a thing or two from her.

As he left the stables with his horse, he saw his son running towards him. They hugged, and then came the question Robert knew Brunden was going to ask. "Why can't I come and fight, dad? Am I too young? I'm already thirteen, Master Geraldus thinks I'm good at fighting with my sword. He's always very positive about me." 

"He certainly is, Brunden, but I believe it's necessary for you to stay here. Have you ever seen an orc in your life?" 

"No, dad, but from the stories I hear, they don't seem so dangerous. They surely won't be able to defeat me." 

"You must not underestimate orcs, Brunden. They may not look very intelligent, and they aren't, but they are dangerous. Orcs are skilled fighters; they will keep fighting until they either win or die." 

"Can they really be such good fighters, dad? There are hardly any orcs in Borgon, except for these orcs now." 

"All the more reason to fear these orcs, Brunden. Besides, orcs make a great effort to get into the realms of Midbad. You've never traveled to another realm. I assure you, Brunden, those journeys are never without danger. The borderlands are full of orcs. We are blessed that Midbad has thirteen functioning realms. Without these realms, it would be as bad everywhere as it is in the borderlands." 

"Aren't there fourteen realms, dad? You seem to forget the Binta realm every time." 

"You're right, Brunden, there are indeed fourteen. However, I don't really see Binta as a true realm. Firstly, it's an island that borders the rest of Midbad. Secondly, it's an island that is all desert. The only population living there are Tuaregs, and I don't consider them good people. Tuaregs are very warlike, and they engage in slave trade. I try to just forget about that whole realm."

"What should I do then, dad, if I'm not allowed to come and fight?" 

"Help your mother; she can't govern the duchy of Jura on her own. She will need the wise advice of her son. You can start putting all those theoretical lessons into practice now!" He sees a look of responsibility on his son's face. He is proud of his son; he hopes he will have the privilege of being a child for a long time. From the moment someone is confronted with political matters, a part of their innocence disappears. 

"Go to your mother now; she will already be looking for you. You know she gets worried very quickly." Brunden gives him one last hug and then walks towards the castle. After this, Robert mounts his horse and heads to the gate to join his men

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