°{ Part 8 }° Gift Basket

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Hiccups POV

It's been a day since my attempt at peace. I was determined to try again. The sky's orange colours were my que to sneak into the town hall kitchen and put together another basket of food. This time with a handful of decorative wild flowers.
I found Toothless rolling around in grass. I placed the basket down near him and he growled upon seeing it.

"Come bud. We have to try again" I said to him as he turned away

He was nervous and honestly, so was I. So far none of these encounters I've had with this mysterious person have been good ones. This time it'll be different. I'm going to do anything in my power to make it up to them. After just a little convincing Toothless let me saddle him up and we took flight.
This time we made sure absolutely no one was following us. When the sun was getting closer to the horizon, I knew we were getting closer. Soon the island falls into view. With a couple of encouraging pats on Toothless's side he flew towards where I remember the hug being. The land mass was small so it didn't take long to locate it. It was sunset now. The sky was a gorgeous orange to purple colour.

Toothless growled when we landed on front of her hut. The light was on inside and I noticed two yellow eyes dart behind the building. That must be the other fury. Amazing. It's eyes are golden yellow. I took a deep breath and approached the hut cautiously again. Just like last time. Before I even get close the door swings open and the woman held a drawn back bow to me. Here we go again. I throw one off my hands up in surrender.

"I'm trying to hurt you. I wanted to give you something actually" I said softly.

I slide my left foot forward and follow with my right. The basket was held out in front of me. She takes a step back and looked around at the sky above us. I glanced up but soon quickly realized she's looking for Astrid.

"I am here alon-" I noticed the opened wound on her shoulder. It was slightly luminated by the soft orange glow of the setting sun. Astrid had slashed her and my stomach churned seeing the damage. It wasn't a small graze either.

"You should let me look at tha-" I'm cut off by her voice.

"Why do you keep coming back! I told you to leave" She snapped at me.

I lower my empty hand "Please let's just put the weapons down"

Toothless dragged me backwards a little and put himself between us, getting protective of me and roaring at her as a warning. Her dragon leapt down from the roof of her hut and roared at Toothless. Both dragons were in a stand off and I tried to de-escalate the situation. I try showing her the basket by raising it above my head.

"It's food" I said.

She still wasn't swayed. I placed the basket down on the ground and just walked away. Lowering myself down so I was sitting near the ledge of the cliff with Toothless who had followed me. I paid no mind to the woman hoping she'd realize I'm not a threat. It took a good while but eventually I see her lower her bow in the corner of my eye. I sighed in relief.

I remain still. Sitting on the edge far away from her.


Regular POV

He... Just walked away leaving the suspicious basket behind. His dragon loyally followed him and that sat down far away from us. His legs swinging over the edge of the cliff. I lower my bow and use it to poke the basket a few times. Upon first thoughts it didn't seem dangerous and Honey wasn't alerting me to possible poison so I guess it was safe.

I was so hungry I reached into the basket and took a bite out of the nearest apple. It was juicy and so sweet. The delicious fruit made me relax my muscles and a sat at the basket eating from it. I could feel his eyes on me and it made me uneasy. I spun myself around so my back was facing him and I could hear a soft giggle from behind me. I turn my gaze over my shoulder and glare at him. The man quickly stopped laughing and turned away.

"I'm Hiccup by he way. Hiccup Haddock. Chief of Berk" He said.

I didn't care I just kept eating.

"Do you have a name?" His voice came again.

"Y/n, my name is Y/n" I mumbled after swallowing the mouth full I had in my mouth.

I freeze, shocked that I was being nice to this trespasser. I go silent again. I move away with the basket and I sit on a rock and stare at Hiccup. Watching him cautiously. He just stayed there. Staring out at the island and I found myself observing his seat on the dragon's back. It was wrapped snug around the dragon's body and sat comfortably. I didn't need anything like that for Honey, I just rode her barebacked. Sometimes I put a basic leather band around her neck if I need extra support but normally I fly bareback. I pat Honey who hasn't taken her eyes off them. We both jump as they stood up.

"Well I better head back before they notice I'm gone" He said "I'll bring another basket tomorrow since you enjoyed this one so much"

Honey hissed loudly at him letting him know he wasn't welcome here. But he still waved goodbye and flew off.
I couldn't help but look confused and concerned. What was that about.
I head back inside my hut. Honey staying watch outside while I looked at the basket in my hands with curiosity



A trick?...


★ Author note: ★ I can't believe so many people have already read this. I hope you are all enjoying the story so far.

Grammar mistakes are aplenty.


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