°{ Part 5 }° Two furies

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Still writing for myself pretty much, Decided that I'll make it a Hiccup x fem reader.
(I'm not the best writer in the world)




Regular POV

I sat there on the cool dirt staring at the group of strangers. They didn't move there just stared at Honey like they'd seen Thor himself. Nervous energy was boiling inside of me, why were they staring at her like that. What did they want from her.
Honey still held her mouth full of a plasma blast waiting to see if she had to use it. The Brown haired man staggered to his feet, he wobbled a little before stabilizing himself. The man raised his right hand and flattened out his palm to approach Honey. She watches him carefully her eyes locked onto his every movement. Obviously she was uneasy with his approach as was I.

"I'm not going to hurt you..." He whispered quietly. He steps towards her and gives me a quick glance.

Honey softly closed her mouth before backing up and growling at him. I crawl to my feet and put myself between Honey and him. My posture was straight and my gaze was unwavering. I stared daggers through his soul and he took a few steps back. He cleared his throat awkwardly while his friends were watching everything unfold. After a long deafening silence he tried to speak.

"Sorry. I'm Hiccup. This is Astr-"

"I don't care for introductions. I told you, you were not welcome here" I glared at him while I moved to Honey's side ready to mount her back. She let out another loud aggressive roar and huffed shortly after. Small plumes of smoke rose from her nostrils as she exhaled the short sharp breath. I couldn't help but scoff at Hiccup.
I pick up my bow which was thankfully laying nearby and climbed onto Honey. The man who's name was apparently hiccup tried to advance towards us.

"Please just wait we-" He was once again cut off, this time by the sound of Honey's wings as she leapt into the air to take flight. We hover for a little while, staring down at them before soaring back up the cliff side. I climb off Honey and pace around. Our once safe haven of solitude was now found and intruded. The vast cliffs and mountains that I thought would protect us and keep us hidden, now useless because they have dragons too. Thankfully they didn't follow us here. Instead I turned my gaze just in time to see six dragons flying off into the distance. I huffed and scratched Honey's chin.
"They better stay gone this time" I mumble to myself. My adrenaline began to crash and the muscle pains reemerged once more. My legs felt like jelly and I almost tumble to the hard floor, Honey caught me with her head just in time. Pulling myself upright again I refused to give in weakness and made my way to an old badly built outdoor table. Nails were poking out everywhere and the whole thing looked like it was about to collapse. I sat down at it on a rock and made some adjustments on my bow. I Tightened the drawstring and carved a dragon eye into the wood


Hiccup's POV

We flew back to Berk. Soaring through the clouds and high up over the ocean. Astrid fell in line with me and toothless. I didn't look at her but she was staring at me.

"Hiccup" she began. "Toothless isn't the last one anymore"

I turn my gaze to her. "I know"

Snoutlout was rambling about the woman that was there. Repetitively talking about how gorgeous she was and how perfect she was for him. Made me gag a little but I shook it off and kept focus on heading home. Fishlegs, on the other hand, was lagging behind almost like he wanted to go back. He kept looking over his shoulder with an itching curiosity for the second nightfury. His expression saddened as we moved further away though.
Ruffnut and Tuffnut were so distracted by each other's antics that they almost crashed into Hookfang and Snotlout. I was still lost in thought. All my time with Toothless and I thought he was the last one but there's more nightfuries out there.

When we arrived to Berk I immediately went home to think. Mum was home cooking up something in a pot over a fire. I try to sneak past to avoid conversations but she heard my steps. I freeze in my tracks as she speaks.

"How was your trip" She asked me glancing over her shoulder with a warm smile.

"Uh yeah it was um. Good" I mutter back.

She raised an eyebrow at me. Expecting more from me. I sighed, I honestly just wanted to go to my room and lay down. My body ached from being repetitively hit with a stick. My mother pulled out a chair for me at the table. I go to sit down and she asked the same question again. This time I told her about the woman and her dragon. She was incredibly intrigued by the idea of a second fury. I end up p going to bed early to rest my soar body.


★ Author note: ★ I know this one is really short and super rushed. I'm just super busy at the moment. So I apologize if it doesn't flow. I'll start on the next part as soon as possible.


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