Don't- Ricky

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I'm obsessed with that clip of Ricky singing this song so I decided to make a story based off of it. 💞

Y/n p.o.v
I was sitting down watching TV in my living room when the doorbell rang  I sighed getting up looking through the peephole and opened the door when I saw who it was, "hey,you look like your going through it" gyuvin said as he stepped inside followed by ricky "hey" ricky said giving me a slight hug. "So what's the reason for the visit?" I asked the pair of boys sitting in front of me "well we just wanted to check on you, you don't seem like yourself" gyuvin said and Ricky nodded I sighed and began speaking "well me and seojun haven't really been talking lately it's like he doesn't have time for me anymore" I admitted, giving was about to speak but ricky cut him off "well then why dont you break up with him if your the only one invested in the relationship why not leave him?" He asked me and I rolled my eyes.

Ricky p.o.v
I guess y/n didn't like my advice seeing as she rolled her eyes "yeah like I'm gonna take advice from the guy who can barely commit to a relationship" she barked back "I'm just trying to give you advice don't get made at me because you keep hiding on to false hope thinking he'll change" I replied back to her snarky comment "well maybe I am hoping he'll change because I love him and I know he feels the same about me, just because no girl ever told or showed you that she loves you doesn't mean anything!" She said getting louder "you've changed y/n really ever since you've gotten with seojun we rarely see you we're supposedly your best friends but you barely hang out with us anymore because your boyfriend keeps you locked up in the house I really feel sorry for you y/n when you come to your senses you know where to find me" I said and got up leaving before she could reply.

Gyuvin p.o.v

(this is the only p.o.v for him)

I sat there in shock at the scene that just unfolded in front of me "y/n are you okay" I asked her as she got up walking away and she turned around giving me a fake smile "I'm fine I think you should go I'll talk to you later" she said disappearing into her room. I went outside and saw Ricky pacing back and fourth "what was that?" I asked him and he sighed "I'm sorry I just can't stand seeing her like that she deserves so much better" he said and I knew exactly what he was trying to say "I understand that but you have to think before you speak I'm pretty sure she's in there crying as we speak" I said and he looked down "I didn't try to make her cry" he said and I put m hand on his shoulder "I know your emotions just got the best of you" I said and we left.

*Week later*

Y/n p.o.v
It was a week later and I had a talk with seojun and he apologized for his absence and promised to be around more and I believed him he's been making an effort and I noticed his changes but a couple days ago he just disappeared not even texting or calling to tell me where he was. I was snapped out of my thoughts by gyuvin "hey are you okay?" He asked me and I sighed taking a bite of my food "it's been three days since I last heard from seojun I'm worried" I said and he shook his head "you can't keep stressing" he said looking away he was right but I felt like there was something else on his mind "what?" I asked him and he looked at me "have you talked to Ricky?" He asked me and I shook my head I haven't spoken to him since he blew up at me "I don't think he wants to talk" I confessed "trust me he does I think you two should talk today" he said and I sighed "fine I'll go find him later' I said and he smiled.

Ricky p.o.v
I was using the bathroom when I heard people talking about y/n "so what's up with you and y/n she's been asking us about you what are we supposed to say?" Someone asked and I heard the other person speak "don't worry about it that bitch is so dumb and in love with me she'll believe anything I tell her" the other voice said and I came looked through the slit in the stall and saw seojun "she doesn't even realize I've been cheating on her for almost a month now" he said laughing and I heard enough coming out of the stall "oh shit it's her friend Ricky how are you?" He said placing a hand on my shoulder to which I pushed off  "don't touch me" I said in a low voice "or what pretty boy, you gonn-" before he finished I punched him in the face and a full on fight began we only stopped when his friends pulled us apart.

Y/n p.o.v
I was leaving the cafeteria when I bumped into someone when I looked up I saw it was Ricky and noticed his lip was bleeding and the bruises on his face "oh my God what happened to you?" I asked him and saw seojun being carried by his freinds he looked at me and continued walking I was confused but was more concerned about Ricky "come on I'm taking you to clean that up" I said taking his hand and walking with him to the nurses station "sit down" I ordered him and he did. After I cleaned his wound I asked him what happened and was shocked when he told me I felt so many emotions sadness,anger,but most of all betrayal "y/n I don't mean to come off as an asshole but you let him you always see the best in people and he used that against you" he said and he was right, I didn't notice but I was crying.

Ricky p.o.v
I noticed y/n crying and hugged her "don't cry y/n it's not your fault you were born with a good heart" I said and let her go to wipe the tears off her face "I told you,you deserve better" I said and she looked at me "know may not be the best time but I can give you something better, I'll do everything I can to show you how special you are to me" I said and she smiled slightly "I'm sorry for what I said" she said and I shook my head "you were right,but the reason I couldn't stay in a relationship is because I was waiting for you and I'll keep waiting because I love you y/n more than a friend" I conffessed and she held my hand "you were right too seojun was jealous of you especially when he found out I had a crush on you" she said which took me by suprise "well why didn't you tell me?" I asked her "I was scared to ruin our friendship" she confessed and I lifted her chin so she can look directly at me "I'm going to do something, but first do you still want to be with seojun?" I asked her "no,he cheated on me after I did nothing but invest in us" she said and I nodded moving in slowly to kiss her it was no surprise when she kissed back, we pulled away for air and smiled at each other "I love you" I told her "I love you too, I always have" she said and we left the nurse's station.

*Two weeks later*
Y/n p.o.v
I officially broke up with seojun the day him and Ricky fought and started dating Ricky but of course that came with rumours that I was the cheater to which Ricky and I quickly denied there were also other girls who exposed him for the asshole he was and I couldn't be happier. "What's on your mind?" Ricky asked me and I shook my head "what can I not stare at your handsome face?" I asked him and heard a groan next to me "can this be a normal hangout I'm tired of feeling like a third wheel" gyyvin said "fine, we'll keep it to a minimum with you" I said "okay,now let's go get some food i'm starving" he added and we went to get some food. "Why does he always have to tag along with us on our dates?" Ricky asked holding my hand "this isn't a date and besides he's our friend and until we can find him a girlfriend who can put up with his sass you'll have to deal with it" I said and he rolled his eyes "whatever" he said and I just laughed at him. Maybe I should've told him sooner, I thought to myself as he ordered our food or maybe this was just a blessing it paned out this way either way I'm happy.

A/n:This was a long one but I hope you guys enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. 💞

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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