NCT dream reaction- You putting makeup on them

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•He was used to you doing makeup on him so when you asked him if you could do his makeup for one of your videos he was more than happy to be your model.
•You set up your camera and introduced Mark "today I'm here with a very special guest, my boyfriend Mark" you said and stepped aside so the camera could see him.
•He showed you some of the ideas he wanted you to do and you decided on a simple look.
•Throughout the process he would suggest different colors you could use and try to be helpful.
•"I'm gonna do your lips now so I need you to stop talking" you said and he nodded while you applied the lip balm/lip stick.
•"Okay and done" you said as you finished the last bit "ooh I look good" he said admiring himself, you needed the video and looked at him "you look so pretty" you said pinching his cheeks "I know I look pretty you should do my makeup more often." He said staring at himself more and complementing your work.

•"Babe,can I do your makeup?" You asked haechan you was watching tik tok on his phone he looked at you and said no at first but eventually gave in because you began acting cute.
•"Okay fine but you better not mess up this face" he said being dramatic, you agreed and began getting to work.
•When you got to doing his hair he began moving around a lot ant complaining "can you stop moving?" You asked him and he sat still.
•When you finished you were very proud of your work "look" you said handing him a mirrior "it doesn't looked bad" he said and you rolled your eyes.
•" I mean I had a lot of ugly to cover so I hope it looks good" you said and he was flabbergasted by what you said "you can't say that" he said and you laughed at the face he was making.

• "Can I try this on you?" You asked Jaemin showing him a video you saw on tik tok of a girl doing her boyfriend's lip makeup.
•He was reluctant at first but agreed after you promised to get him ice cream after.
•As you as you stared you wanted to give up because he wouldn't stop moving "babe, stop moving so much or its gonna come out ugly" you said and he looked at you "I'm sorry"
•When you finished you smiled proudly at your work "here look at it" you said and handed him the mirror
•"ooh I look like a baddie" he said which caused you to laugh "let me take pictures" you said grabbing your phone taking pictures of him.
•"Now let me do it on you" he said and you began handing him the supplies but he just kissed you instead "look now were matching" he said and handed you the mirror "I didn't think it'll transfer this good" you said.

•"Since it's your free day you should let me do your makeup" you said and he looked at you trying to comprehend what you said before agreeing.
•You began doing his makeup and he was completely still for the whole process he even gave you suggestions on how to do his eyebrows.
•He helped make the process easier with his suggestions.
•Once you finished you looked at him proud of your work admiring him, "let me take some pictures before you look" you said and took pictures of him.
•"You did a good job" he said complementing you "well if you didn't have a pretty face it might have been harder" you said.

"Rember how you said you'd make it up to me for coming home late the other day? You asked him and he looked from the tv looking at you "yes" he said and you smiled sittng next to him.
•"I know how you can make it up" you said showing him your makeup bag he just looked at you "your joking right?" He asked you and she you shook your head no he agreed.
•"I promise I'll make you look good" you said sensing his fear and he seemed to relax.
•You began your lengthy process and complimented him "your skin is so soft" you told him "are you supposed to be complimenting my skin or doing my makeup?" He asked you and you rolled your eyes continuing.
•"I'm finished" you said and took pictures of him "look" you said showing him the pictures you took "do you wanna be my makeup artists full time?" He asked taking you by surprise "what?" You asked him thinking he was joking.
•"I'm serious" he told you as he complimented all the work you did and asked what techniques you used so he could tell his makeup artists.

•"No" he immediately said when you came into your room with a big smile on your face "you don't even know what I was about to ask?" You said and he shrugged his shoulders "i feel like your gonna ask something stupid" he said and you walked away.
• It was a couple of hours later and you were still ignoring chenle from earlier when he came to sit next to you.
•"I'm sorry" he said and hugged you "what did you want to ask me?" He said and you looked at him "can I do your makeup?" You asked him and he agreed.
•"okay I'll be right back" you said going to your room to grab your makeup bag once you grabbed your bag you ran back to tge couch sitting next to him.
•"I'm gonna need you to be very still okay" you told him and he nodded his head. He sat still the entire time and let you do his makeup freely however you liked.
•"okay I'm finished" you said and showed him the mirror "it looks good but you forgot something" he said and you looked a him confused "the lip balm" he said and grabbed what he thought was lip balm and applied it to his lips "that's lipstick" you said when he finished and helooked a you betrayed tht you let him confidently put lipstick on.

•He was used to you doing his skin are so when you asked him if you could do his makeup he didn't know what to say at first but then agreed.
•You began doing his makeup and he was still the whole time letting you do his makeup.
•You were almost done with his makeup when he began asking you questions about how your day was and other things like that.
•"okay I'm done" you said looking at him and handed him a mirror "okay you did better than I expected" he said and you rolled your eyes.
•You had then got an idea "shut your eyes I forgot something" you said and he shut his eyes when he did you put some lipstick on and kissed him.
•"Why couldn't you do it normally?" He asked you and you just smiled "cause that ways easier you said and he looked at you.
•"Can I get another one?" He asked and you began placing kisses all over his face.

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