Chapter 15

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"So, are you guys attending Dumstrang?" I asked.

"U-huh," Tobias said.

"How is it?"

"Well, it is pretty okay since Grindelwald is like the living legend at school. But the teacher hates us a lot." Aries said

"Oh, sorry to hear that," I said, with a frown.

"Then, how is it like? Attending Hogwarts as the Grindelwald's granddaughter?" Zack said.

"At least it's better than Azkaban," I said.

The boys all laughed.

"Not good, huh? Where do you stay on break?" Adrian said

"Ahhh I stay in this fucking place called Malfoy Manor with Narcissa Malfoy and Lucius Malfoy"

The boys looked pretty surprised.

"You can just come to our house, you know, but why on earth did you end up there?" Tobias said

"I dunno." I said with a frown on my face.

"Hey sorry to ask but is it true that you have the Grindelwald mark?" Tobias said


"That's really really cool. Can you show us?" Zack said

"Duh, it's on my shoulder. But I can show it to you tomorrow"



After that we talked about different stuff. About school, Grindelwald, and some pranks. All of them were very fun to talk, but Zack was the funniest of all. He made everyone laugh.

There was a sudden knock on the door. Igor, the headmaster of Dumstrang came in.

"What are you guys doing, with a Hogwarts student in your corridors?" Igor said.

"We were just talking with our old friend, headmaster" Tobias said, sarcastically.

"What are you talking about, Tobias? A Hogwarts student in Dumstrang corridors, you mean? What's her name?" He asked, pointing at me.

"Celina Grindelwald, headmaster." Zack said. "The one and only daughter to Hades Grindelwald." He said, proudly.

"So Ms.Grindelwald, do you know that you can't be here?"

"Who cares where I am or not. I'm not doing something wrong" I said glaring at him.

"I guess it is a family tradition. Breaking rules and not respecting their teachers. And the so called followers think that cool." Igor said

"Aren't you so called followers of the Dark Lord?" I said

"I wouldn't accept that kind of behavior, Ms.Grindelwald"

"Voldemort was weaker than my grandfather, headmaster. There is no reason for you to just mock his followers since you followed someone who was weaker." I said.

"Get out of here, Grindelwald. I will be taking this to Severus" He said with a voice filled with anger.

"Do whatever you want. I'm not scared though"

I left the corridors without turning back. Igor was mocking my family and my friends. I stomped on my way filled with anger to my dorms but met somebody unexpected.

"Why why why... Is this Celina Grindelwald?"

It was fucking Madeye.

"Let me go, Madeye. I'm not feeling good today."

"Professor is the right term since I get to teach you" Madeye said, laughing.

"Shut up and just go. You tortured me for 2 years, what do you want more?"

He grabbed my arm real tight, so I couldn't move

"Is this the place you should have the number 30805 should be tattooed? Why is it gone?"

All Azkakban prisoners should have their number tattooed on their right arm. It is the most clear and non magical way to show people that you went to Azkaban. I absolutely hated that tattoo, so I read every single book that contained the way to make it disappear. And after 2 years of effort, I found the way to make it disappear.

"Maybe I could do it a better way" Madeye laughed. He is just a psychopath.

He pointed his wand at my arm and yelled


A nasty cut was made on my arm and blood started to drain out. I whimpered in pain.

"That might teach you a lesson, Grindelwald. And it would get worse every time. "

Blood was already soaking my shirt into dark red. I ran to the Slytherin dorm as fast as I could. And I cried all night.

A/N: OKAY! ANOTHER UPDATE!! EVERYBODY THANK YOU FOR 257 views! I never though my story would have this much views and I am really thankful for everybody. 



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