Chapter 4.

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The part held until midnight, when the perfects of each house took the 1st years to the domitory room. I followed my way to the dungeons, which had a beautiful view of the giant lake. The green light filling the room felt just like home. The place I used to stay had similar vibes within here. But then, I had my family, Credence, and people who cared about me. But now, I feel all alone.

"Girls to the left, boys to the right!"

I hurried my way to the dormitory and found a bed that had my name on it. My bed was in the corner, right next to the window. They probably did it that way so that I have less contact with other students. The girl who had the bed next to me was mad about the seat. She was Pansy Parkinson, and later that day she began to say words about her bed to her best friend, Daphne Greengrass. I heard her talking about me, how I went to Azkaban and what could I do to her. I didn't want to fight from the first day at Hogwarts, so I just stood on it. 

While everybody went to bed, I couldn't fall asleep.  I didn't have a bed in Azkaban, so something felt wrong to me. I missed everyone. I missed my father saying good night to me. I missed my grandfather teaching hard magic to me. And I missed Credence, who was Dad's best friend. I looked threw the window and I saw a bird coming towards me. I didn't want to make any noise, so I carefully opened the door for the bird. It was a phoenix. A beautiful one. It gave me her feather and flew back. I saw the feather and found writing on there

Dear Celina. 

I heard you got into Hogwarts. Hades and Gellert are kind of worried about you because you know that there are tons of Dumbledore people over there. We wouldn't mind if you make anything go wrong but don't try to be someone famous in Hogwarts. This feather will lit on fire as soon as you see it. We all miss you so much. Hope we can see you soon. 

I finally got a letter from Credence. He couldn't talk to me while I was in Azkaban, so he wrote to me as soon as I went to Hogwarts. The letter made me miss him so much. Teardrops were on my face as the feather beautifully lit on fire

I opened my eyes in the morning to listen to my first class, potions. I didn't have robes, books, cauldrons, or ingredients, so I just wore the same thing as yesterday and went to the potion classroom with nothing. In the classroom, there was Severus Snape and some other Gryffindor and Slytherin kids. 

"Appropriate clothing, Grindelwald. This is a school."

"Sir, if Moody let me go to Diagon Alley, I wouldn't have to wear these. These are the only clothes I have."

"Do you even have books, Grindelwald?"

"No, sir. How could I?"

Everyone gasped as I talked back to Snape. He is just a professor, not some kind of beast. I thought there was no reason to be scared of him.

'Sit, Grindelwald, and I wouldn't appreciate an attitude like that."

I sat down on an empty table around the corner. Everybody was looking at me, but I didn't care about it now. I got used to it. 

Potions weren't a hard thing for me, but it got harder when the books I used were hand-down ones from I guess 20 years ago. The pages were so fragile that they got ripped every time I tried to flip a page. But it is going to get harder and harder every class. The only thing I have is a wand which my father gave to me when I practiced magic. It was a beautiful wand.

Next was charms. Professor Flitwick was there teaching. We learned about Wingardium Leviosa. That could be the easiest spell ever. I didn't even need a wand to do it 

"Now everybody practice."

I didn't focus on class because the spell was too easy. A girl named Granger in Gryffindor did the spell first, and everybody gasped. Is levitating a feather a really surprising thing? 

"Now, who wants to do it next? Maybe..Ms. Grindelwald?"

I focused and thought about the spell Wingardium Leviosa. The feather moved and levitated. I thought it would be great to do something more. I thought a spell and the feather changed into a beautiful bird and flew across the classroom. I changed the bird into a feather again. 

Everyone seemed to be surprised by my magic—even the professor. Class ended in some kind of way I didn't care about. I listened to class throughout the day and walked to the dormitory to get some rest. 

I went into the dorm and Parkinson hung her leg at me. 

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