Chapter 5.

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"Where are you looking at Grindelwald? Do you even have eyes?" She laughed and your squad also laughed.

"You are the one who hung your leg at me. Apologize."

"Do you have any evidence that I did it?" She laughed again.

"Is this funny to you?"

"Why not?"


Parkinson got disarmed. I couldn't stand on my anger this time. 

"I'll just go this time. If you do something like that again, I won't let you have 2 legs and 2 arms."

"Who cares, Grindelwald. You aren't even that good at it. You are not welcomed here. Like your family. We all know that your father and your grandfather got expelled from school."

The word parents made me go out of control. I held my wand on Parkinson. 

"I could torture you or kill you anytime I want. And I could do it right now."

And on the perfect timing, Severus Snape entered the room.

"I shall say that Ms. Greengrass said the right thing. Are you threatening a student, Grindelwald?"

"Well she started first, professor"

I emphasized on the word professor

"Detention, Grindelwald. Hogwarts does not accept that kind of attitude. Maybe your wonderful family does."

He left saying nothing. I hurried to my bed with anger filling my body. Hogwarts is no more than hell to me.

I looked at my bed and found a feather in the corner. It should be Credence. It should be. 

Dear Celina,

Gellert and Hades are so worried about you. Are you doing well? We'd concluded to make you get out of Hogwarts. We will come to see you tonight. Get ready so that we can pick you up. We'll meet at the Giant Lake.

I couldn't believe my eyes. Today night? I haven't seen my family for years, and today? Oh gosh, I got so excited. Snape gave me detention but whatsoever. I don't need to do it. I'm finally free.

My eyes filled with excitement as I saw the feather beautifully burn down. But there was one major problem. How could I get out of here at midnight while everybody is sleeping? And Ms. Norris will be all over the school. 

I concluded that I should stay outside from now on so that I could be there all night. I hurried downstairs with a big smile on my face.

"What makes her so happy? Didn't she just get detention?"

"I don't know. Maybe she is just a psychopath."

I didn't care about Pakinson being made. I could finally get out of this hell. I went outside and waited and waited until 10 pm. And at 10 pm, a familiar boat was on the lake. 

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