Knowing what jaden wants

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" Jaden" y/n says." Yes mamas what do you want". " you know what I want" y/n says . " you have like half of my sweatshirts at this point I'm going to school cold because I have like 3 left"." Ok I'll bring you back the ones I don't like and keep the ones I like". " ok".

Jaden goes in his closet and picks out a gray hoodie that has he baseball number on the back and his last name on the sleeve. " do you want this one"? Jaden says. " yeah I like that one it tells everyone that I'm yours". Y/n says.

He takes it off the hanger and throws it at you. " can you spray it with your cologne"? Y/n says " sure". Jaden's takes the sweatshirt from you and goes to his bathroom and sprays it with his cologne. He comes backs and gives it to you. " thank you bubbas". you say

You take the hoodie and put it on and go back on your phone.

(1 hour goes by)

Jaden has been on his Xbox for about an hour no and you just have been reading your book on your kindle. You say Jaden every once in a while look back at you to see if you were still there. You stop reading your book and want on your phone.

Jaden got off his game and came and laid in bed with you. But when he laid in bed he gave the other way. " Jaden's what wrong"?" You aren't showing me any attention". " well you were playing your game you just got in the bed". " but I'm want cuddles and you did give me cuddles you just ignored me". " bubbes come here". You hold your arms open and he comes in to your arms".

He puts his head on your chest and you just play with his hair. He wraps his arms around your waist and he puts his hands up the back of your shirts just making circles on your lower back

" is that what you wanted"? " mhm". You guys cuddle for a while before you feel his hands get really weak and he ends up falling asleep. You feel your eyes getting heavy so you go to sleep.

You guys only were sleep for about two hours before daelo rushes in the rooms and depends you to come play detectives with him.

" can you play detectives with me y/n"?" Well Jaden sleep you see and I don't want to wake him up". " aww please" he says with puppy dogs eyes." Daelo eyes starts to water but you don't want to wake Jaden up so you make daelo a promise. "
Ok buddy if Jaden wakes up before your bed time I will play detectives with you but if Jaden's is still sleeping then I will take you to the baseball field and you and Jaden can play baseball together sound good"? " yes that's sound good". Daelo smiles and walks out the room.

You had to stop rubbing Jaden's head for a minute and he heard Jaden mumble something. " what wrong bubba"? " you stop playing with my hair" he says in a sleepy voice. " sorry". You start playing with his hair again and he goes back to sleep.  You didn't go back to sleep you ended up just reading more of your books.

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