A PLANET THAT IS NAMED DIRT and a second chance

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Wow, I never thought death was this relaxing

[Rose]: The only problem is this annoying voice of some reaper

[Reaper]: HY, I didn't know you were a B###

Says the one whose job is to collect souls from someone else battlefield, like a homeless necromancer

[Reaper]: You are a homeless necromancer as well

No, I live in a cave, like any respectful necromancer do

[Reaper]: to my knowledge, respectful necromancers live in towers and abandoned cities that are full of undead, not a run-down cave that is full of bats and cockroaches, you even got a plague from a bat bite

[Rose]: That was how they showed love by giving me their plague

[Reaper]: stop giving excuses, We have arrived at the judge

[Rose]: for Zalmimoth's sake, send me to hell and be done with it

[Reaper]: we can't do this because there are rules all must follow

entering a white room that was empty except for a desk with two chairs

a man with a grey laughing mask and a clown outfit was sitting on one of the chairs

the Reaper that had brought me here was standing next to the clown, not daring to move

[???]: hello, new soul I am...

[Rose]: A clown

the room went silent, and the skeleton Reaper was Sweating a river for some reason... how can a skeleton sweat

[Joker]: Because this is your first time, I won't get angry. My name is Joker, and I am the judge who will see your afterlife. Let me take a look at your life file.

A book just appeared in his hand, and he started reading it

[Joker]: so was born in the Demon Forest... married a swordsman who died at the age of seventy and never took a second husband after that... destroyed more than a hundred evil sects. .. You alone saved the world of Isadore, but you were killed by those you saved... Finally, your greatest wish was to have a child... You died at the age of two hundred and nine years old.

I was surprised that he knew everything about me, even the things I was hiding

[Joker]: now, Miss Rose, I will give you five choices, The first one is to go to Haven the second is to become a Grim Reaper and help the souls of the dead reach the afterlife, the third is to become a minor god of death and help judge the dead, the fourth is to become a hunter that hunts trespassers and illegal reincarnate, the fifth and last is to reincarnate with fifty wishes now choose your destiny

thinking about the five choices he gave me, all of them are good, but why do all of them make me feel uneasy all of them except for one

[Rose]: I chose to reincarnate

at this moment, the clown named Joker throws the book in his hand so hard it breaks reality next to him

[Joker]: every F###ing time can't you just become a Reaper or a minor death god and help us..., will it happen rarely

[Joker]: will tell me your wishes

[Rose]: Can I change my race

[Joker]: yes, Actually, take this paper and write everything you want

I took the paper he gave me and started writing

The first thing I did was to change my race from [Witch] to [dark wood Dryad], a type of [Dryad] that can use dark magic and life magic

the second was something I dreamed of seeing in my life, a world tree seed, but not a normal one, this one has the elements of [life] [death] [darkness] [water] [earth] [mana] [beast] [nature] and [aether] and can give birth to [dark elves] [Dragons] [Naga] [Dryad and dark wood Dryad] [dark humans] [beastman] [sentient undead] [Ents/ treeman]

the third is to have a dual-core of a demi-god rank necromancer and a druid with harmony in between

the fourth was to get a Photographic memory

the fifth is the endless mana generator

the sixth is a magical seed bag that can create normal to mid-rank magical seeds

[Rose]: done

[Joker]: that was fast

[Joker]: let me see, all of this will cost you forty-five you have five left

[Joker]: you can store them for the next time or use them to buy stuff from the superstore

[Rose]: I will store them

[Joker]: OK, so can you tell me if you care about the world that you will reincarnate in

[Rose]: I would prefer a world that will not kill me in the first second I reincarnate

[Joker]: this will leave us with fifty percent of worlds left

[Rose]: you mean that there is a fifty percent chance my new life was going to end as soon as it started

[Joker]: if you want my honest opinion, the chance is Seventy-five percent

[Rose]: you are not making this any better

[Joker]: I can send you to a place where the chance is ten percent, and this is one of the best

[Rose]: OK, tell me the name of the world

[Joker]: Earth, the name of the world is Earth

[Rose]: why did someone name their world after Dirt

[Joker]: ask them that, not me, with about the year do you care about it

[Rose]: it depends on the level of science and magic, also I would like to avoid war or people for my first year there

[Joker]: so the year 2018, on a desert island that is ten kilometers big

[Rose]: so how do I get there now

[Joker]: don't worry, a black hole will deliver you to that place

[Rose]: a black what

suddenly I was in a different place full of sand and some skeletons with a bag in one hand and a big seed in the other and looking at my half-wooden body even my race change

[Rose]: this will be hard but with time... why can't I feel the mana in the air... why is the air so Impure?.. how can someone live in a world like this that clow has lied to me

[cheater end]

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