The Lion and the Necromancer

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My name is Rose Bee, the strongest and kindest of all necromancers of Issadore

But being a necromancer brings problems like

[some Holy knight]: die necro b###

cutting the head of this rude man who interrupted me, let me Continue

[unholy Pope]: In the name of the dark one d...

Wow, a lot of heads were sent flying today

[normal spearman]: For my family and this world's survival, die

And another one

I have been sending people's heads flying for a week nonstop

Why, you ask, will

Long story short, I saved this world with someone named the Lion King of Light and Sun, but they forgot to add that he is the biggest Racist as##$#

He tried to backstab me because I was a Witch, so I killed him and saved the world from the void God

But as###s never dies that easily

He came back and told everyone that I was the Void God, and when I tried to tell them my story of what happened

I was met with an army of holy a@s hats that wanted to kill me, so after some self-defense and two holy cities falling by accident

the world started a crusade for my head, and some evil cults joined them,... maybe because I hunted them down one by one

[Lion King]: Today you will die, you evil necromancer

[Rose]: Wow, you came out finally, I started to get bored from head-cutting

[Lion King]: dame it, your evil will end today by the holy sword Grim X

[Rose]: didn't I break your last holy sword you had

[Lion King]: yes, you did, but with the power of dwarf slaves it was fixed

[Rose]: OK, now just kill me

[Lion King]: what?

[Rose]: I can see the five hundred canons aimed at me, the same ones from that time you tried to backstab me with

[Lion King]: how can I backstab someone

[Rose]: OK, Just stop with the bu###t

I looked into his fear-filled eyes

[Rose]: I still remember that day, and I know with no mana and this tired body, I can't win so do it

[Lion King]: You have killed six million people and destroyed ten fortresses and two holy cities, and you are telling me you just give up

[Rose]: sometimes you must learn how to give up, also, I have filled this place with mana bombs

[Lion King]: you have what

with a snap of my finger, the entire former battlefield turned into ash

so this is dying it feels weird

[???]: hello their

[chapter end]

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