Chapter 11: Not going down

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hey guys! i know i havent updated for a while, been a bit busy with Serendipity, (by the way, if you haven't read it, please check it out!) so here is chapter 11!!


Nooooo! I cannot believe this.

I had just asked Angela and Jazz, in the lunch hall, if they knew Hunter’s address. And what was there reply?

“Yes,” and “Of course.”

“Everyone knows!” Jazz explained. “Why are you asking?”

“He lives at 47 Tinsdale Street,” Angela told me. “Wait,” she said. “You did know where he lived before this…didn’t you…?” She and Jazz eyed me.

“No!” I replied. “Why would I?!”

“Why wouldn’t you?” Angela said. “And its funny…”

“What’s funny?” I asked.

Angela and Jazz looked at each other. “Nothing,” they said simultaneously, and then picked up their sandwiches.

Nothing indeed.


Q1: when you feel embarrassed in front of him, do you:

A)   Look at him first

B)     Hide your face

C)   Laugh like nothing happened

This was still the “in denial” part of the checklist. I sighed and ticked B. I really hated the way the checklist always caught me out with things I would have been able to say no to before.

I grabbed a Hershey’s bar from the secret stash under my bed. Munching on it, I finished the last questions on the checklist in the current section.

Q5: His current love interest is:

A)   Your friend

B)     An acquaintance

C)   Your enemy

The was no hesitation before I ticked the latter.

Q6: When you catch his eye, do you:

A)   Hold contact

B)     Play it like you were looking somewhere else

C)   Without thinking, and in embarrassment at being caught, look away quickly

I’ve never been able to react well in embarrassment. Sighing, I ticked C.

I looked to the last question.

Q7: When you’ve dreamt about him in the night, do you:

A)   Wake up sweaty

B)     Wake up crying

C)   Avoid him in the morning in school

I covered my face with my hands. This was embarrassing and no-one was even here. I ticked A in shame. I shouldn’t have been dreaming about him. And you know what the saddest thing was?

I enjoyed the dream.


His breath blew on to my shoulder as he spoke, his voice seductive.

“You want me,” he said. His arms trapped me between the classroom wall and his body. “Admit it.”

My body shivered. But loving the game, and not wanting to admit anything, I shook my head no.

He raised an eyebrow.

Then he kissed me.


The dream was playing on my mind as I walked up the steps to his house on the Saturday afternoon. I tried to shake it off but it just wouldn’t let go.

Suddenly I felt self-conscious and all too aware of my body as I rang the bell.

The door opened.

I looked up and I knew I was in trouble.


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Tolulah :D

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