Chapter 10: Shock,Horror!

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This must be a dream.

I squeezed shut my eyes, begging the subconscious realm to grant me my wish.

That what I just heard my head teacher say was a dream.

"...Clean the boys locker room..."

It went round and round in my head.

And then suddenly, it was confirmed! It was a dream! Darkness was coming and I would move on to the next dream.

I welcomed it.

"Take her to the medical room..."

That was the sound of the next dream.

How interesting, I thought.

Then the black engulfed me.


"Is she awake yet?"

I heard the sound of someone's voice, a female voice. I felt my eyes flutter open. My eyelids were heavy and my head was sore.

I looked up to see Hunter and Angela looking down at me as I met the world once again.

I frowned slightly, trying to recollect the moments before I arrived at the medical room as Angela thrust he arms round me, ejecting an "ooph" from my mouth.

As she pulled back, I croaked, "What happened?"

Angela sighed, looking to Hunter.

His deep voice rang out from his mouth. "Mr Daly just said that you fainted after hearing your punishment for breaking Darla's nose."

I unfortunately noticed the way he had called his girlfriend by name and didn't say, 'my girlfriend'. I sighed.

"What," Angela asked, "was the punishment?"

I groaned. It hadn't been a dream.

I covered my head with the cover of the bed I lay on, embarrassed, and in front of Hunter as well.

He would mock me. As if he hasn't got something cooked up in store for me already.

"Ihavetocleantheboyslockerroomafterbasketballpractice," I blurted.

Both Angela and Hunter looked confused and glanced at each other.

I sighed. "I have to clean up after the boys after basketball practice."

If I say they just laughed, that would be an understatement. They howled for ages, past the point it was polite to.

Jazz bustled in in the middle of their laughing session, clearly confused.

"What's going on?" She asked.

Angela tried to explain. "You see," (laugh), "that punishment," (laugh), "that Mr Daly gave her?" And she laughed some more although she tried to compose herself.

"Yeah..." Jazz replied.

Angela breathed in heavily. "She has to clean after the boys when they have practice."

And you know all three of them entered another fit of laughter.


The school nurse forced me to go to my fifth lesson after lunch, which Angela and Jazz brought for me. I had maths. Which meant that we would be getting our assignment for the geometry project in the lesson. Which meant a dose of Hunter.

By the end of lunch, everyone knew about my punishment for breaking Darla's nose.

"Don't mind them," Angela told me as we walked to our maths lesson, glaring at all the kids who thought it was nice to smirk at me.

I slid into my seat when we reached the classroom. Hunter arrived just a few seconds before Mr Chambers walked in, setting the sheets in his hands on the table.

"Hunter. Denise. Hand out one of these packs to each pair," he told us.

I stood with Hunter. Not only was Mr Chambers' decision to put us at the front about keeping an eye on us, it was also about making us his personal slaves.

I sighed, handing out the packs to one half of the room as Hunter handed it out to the other.

"Read through it," Mr Chambers told us, "and decide how you are going to do it because it's due three weeks from now."

I sat down, Hunter doing the same not long after as our maths teacher continued with his explanation.

"You will both be graded on it and that grade will go to your final grade so make sure that it is completed to a very good standard. It can be presented in a power point or a large poster or a booklet, anything that you would like. It has to be submitted in three weeks today."

He permitted us to talk for the rest of the lesson to plan for the project.

I turned to Hunter.

He grinned. Which made him look even hotter.

Oh my days. This was bad. I frowned deeply, a little angry at myself.

"You look like your having some inner war," Hunter commented as I thought, I am. "Stop," he told me. "It makes you look even uglier than you already are."

I hate him. I hate him. I hate him.

With a passion.

He knew all the ways to push my buttons.

"Look," I told him. "I don't want to argue like we usually do. I just want to do this project, get graded and move on."

I paused.

"So what do you suppose?"

He stared at me for a moment then said, "Well, lets do it at my house. I've got plenty of space."

"Why yours?" I asked, a little annoyed, not that I could understand for the life of me why it mattered.

He frowned. "For the reason I just mentioned."

"So," I said. "How do you know I haven't got lots of space?"

He rolled his eyes. "Well lets just say this is a tactic to get you to loosen up around me." He grinned. "In ways more than one."

I glared. "That will never happen, but fine we can do it at yours. What's your address?"

"Ask any of the girls, they all know," he grinned.

"That ain't something to smile about. And I bet not all of the girls know."

"Trust me..."

Cliche warning.


What do you think? I'll also be posting a new story on Sunday 17th, so please check it out!





Tolulah :)

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