"You work here knowing what it means! If you do not like it find a job elsewhere!" One of the men in the council spoke making the girl angry. "You believe I have not tried!? The palace will not give me a job because of my status! The only place that will take me is pleasure houses you cunt! I would like to see you do what I do!" The girl sneered making the man angry as he made his way to her no doubt to hit her only to stop when viserys raised his hand stopping him.

"What would you say is something the King should do to make this place safer for you?" Viserys asked. "More guards, the ones we have helped a lot but it is not enough, Perhaps more jobs... Princess Rhaenyra the sweetheart she is gave some of the people jobs in the orphanage but they fill up fast!" The girl spoke. "Some of the girls working here must because they need coin, they always worry if they contracted an infection from one of the men so perhaps a maester to check on them once a while, and moon tea is far too expensive these days more than half of what they earn is taken for moon tea!" The girl spoke.

"I do believe we have a maester that is more than willing to check on the ladies that are working today!" Rhaenyra spoke from where she stood. Maester Mellos looked at her arguing that he could not do such thing and had to get back to the Keep to finish something but his words fell on deaf ears as some of the ladies took him inside so that he would check them.

As they made their way elsewhere a woman came crying to them one of Mysarias workers. The woman held onto Tyland as she cried making the man look at the men. "Help! Please Ser help me! My son was taken from me! He is only 5!" The woman cried as a gold cloak took her from Tyland the man wiping the cloak as he looked at the woman who still cried. "What do you mean!?" Beesbury asked. "Kids all over Flea's bottom go missing, we do not know where they are taken but we never see them again! My son my poor boy!" The woman cried as Rhaenyra looked away holding her large bump.

The woman was reassured that they would find her son as they made their way back to the keep only to stop when a man approached them. "Would you lads like to see some fun?' The man sneaker as he looked around. The men looked at one another as they told him to leave them be it wasn't until Beesbury spoke once more "We would!" The old man spoke before he could process what he said. All the others grunted as they followed the man to a dark alleyway before he paid one of the guards a few coins that they were led in.

Inside cheers sounded as well as screams. The men looked at one another as they pushed themselves through the crowd wondering why so many gathered around here. Rhaenyra waited outside as she handed the man and woman a bag of coins as she made her way back to the keep a smile on her lips. Back in with the men they looked down to see a pit most likely where fights took place.

The men shared looks as the announcer spoke two kids no older than 5 came out making the men look at one another as the children cried. The two of the children did nothing but stand around before two large dogs began to bark making the children cry as they ran to one another, the men could only flinch as they saw the children claw one another blood splattering as everyone around cheered others shouted for the children to hurry.

Viserys stood in shook as he saw the children try to kill one another, it wasn't until the oldest of the two managed to nock the youngest boy a battle cry left his lips as his teeth made contact with the younger boy's neck a chunk of flesh being rip as the smaller of the two boys cried in pain, his hands trying to push the other boy off as he went for a second bite.

Viserys as well as the rest of the men stood frozen in horror as they saw the boy go limp as some cheered and others booed as they threw rotten food at the boy who quickly grabbed as much as he could eating fast as two men grabbed him pulling him away as they prepare for the next two kids to fight. Viserys turned whatever he had eaten that day left his stomach as the two dogs ate the remainder of the boy who lost. Viserys left the place quickly as the others followed close behind. No one spoke as they made their way back to the keep. Viserys had hidden as he cried at the horror he had just witnessed.

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