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USWNT Instagram and Twitter

15 August 2016

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Tagged: @AJ.Castillo


It is with sadness that we share the news of Alexandra Castillo's loss of her beloved siblings, Christopher and Charlotte. Our thoughts are with Alexandra and her family during this difficult time.

Out of respect for their privacy and to allow them space to grieve, we will not disclose further details surrounding this loss. However, we ask all fans to join us in offering support and comfort to Alexandra and her loved ones.

In this moment, let us come together as a community to surround Castillo and her family with care and understanding. Your thoughts and support are appreciated during this challenging time.

With condolences,

USWNT Management


"While it's nice to see USWNT Management offering condolences to Alexandra Castillo and her family, it's hard to overlook their silence regarding her situation with the Olympics. Castillo made it clear that management's reaction played a role in her absence from the roster. Actions speak louder than words, and right now, their actions speak volumes about their priorities. 💔"

"USWNT Management's statement feels empty considering their previous treatment of Alexandra Castillo. It's disappointing to see them offer prayers and condolences now when they were silent about her struggles with the team. Actions have consequences, and their lack of support for Castillo during her difficult time speaks volumes. 💔"

"Prayers and condolences are nice, USWNT Management, but where were you when Alexandra Castillo needed your support? She made it clear that management's reaction influenced her absence from the Olympic roster, yet you remained silent. Now, your words feel hollow. Actions matter more than empty gestures. 💔"

"It's ironic how USWNT Management can find the time to offer prayers and condolences to Alexandra Castillo now, but couldn't support her when she needed it most. Castillo's absence from the Olympic roster was influenced by management's reaction, yet they remained silent. Your words ring hollow. 💔"

"The simplicity of USWNT Management's latest post—a solitary candle and a brief reiteration of Alexandra Castillo's siblings' passing—underscores the lack of depth and empathy in their response. While Castillo's announcement was a heartfelt expression of love and sorrow, management's follow-up feels impersonal and detached. It's a missed opportunity to offer genuine support and comfort during a time of profound grief. 💔"

"It's disappointing to see that amidst the outpouring of support and condolences for Alexandra Castillo, the USWNT remains silent on the issue of her spot on the roster. While fans and supporters rally around Castillo during this difficult time, the absence of any official statement from the team regarding her future with the squad raises questions about transparency and accountability. As Castillo navigates through grief and uncertainty, the lack of clarity from the management only adds to the confusion and frustration. 💔"

"Instead of commenting on the USWNT management's post, I'd rather direct my thoughts and prayers to Alexandra Castillo and her family during this heart breaking time. It's evident that she's going through a tough period, and I respect her decision to turn off comments on her own post. Alexandra, if you're reading this, know that you're not alone. Sending you all the love, strength, and support in the world. May your siblings' memory be a blessing to you always. ❤️🙏"

"This statement from the USWNT feels so impersonal. Alexandra Castillo just lost her siblings, and all they can offer is a generic message? Come on, show some humanity!"

"I expected more from the USWNT. Alexandra Castillo is grieving the loss of her siblings, and all they give is a cookie-cutter condolence message? Disappointing."

"The USWNT's statement about Alexandra Castillo's loss feels so cold and detached. Where's the empathy? Where's the heartfelt support? This is not how you console someone in their darkest hour."

"Wow, way to show compassion, USWNT. Alexandra Castillo is going through one of the toughest moments of her life, and all they can muster is a sterile condolence message? Shameful."

"Is this the best the USWNT can do? Alexandra Castillo's family just suffered a tragic loss, and they respond with a robotic statement? It's times like these that reveal an organization's true character, and this response falls short."

"While I appreciate the sentiment behind the USWNT management's statement, my thoughts are primarily with Alexandra Castillo and her family right now. It's clear that she's going through a deeply painful experience, and I understand her need for privacy during this time. Alexandra, if you happen to see this, please know that you have an army of supporters standing behind you. Sending you love, light, and strength as you navigate through this loss. ❤️🕯️"

"Too little, too late, USWNT. Alexandra Castillo needed your support when she lost her siblings, not a generic condolence message weeks later. Actions speak louder than words."

"Nice of the USWNT to finally acknowledge Alexandra Castillo's loss, but where was this support when she needed it most? Offering condolences now feels like an afterthought."

"The USWNT's belated condolence message to Alexandra Castillo feels insincere. If they truly cared, they would have reached out to her when she needed it, not now when the dust has settled."

"I'm sorry, but the USWNT's condolence message for Alexandra Castillo comes across as too little, too late. When she was mourning the loss of her siblings, they were nowhere to be found."

"It's disappointing to see the USWNT finally acknowledge Alexandra Castillo's loss after weeks of silence. Where was this support when she was going through the darkest moment of her life?"

"Seeing the USWNT management's statement about Alexandra Castillo's loss just highlights how detached they are from her situation. It's frustrating that we can't reach out to Alexandra directly to offer our support and condolences, especially when it's clear that the management's response lacks the warmth and sincerity she deserves. I understand why Alexandra turned her comments off, given the circumstances. But I want her to know that despite the management's indifference, she has a community here that cares deeply about her and stands ready to support her through this difficult time. Alexandra, if you're reading this, know that we're here for you. Sending you love, comfort, and strength. 💔❤️"

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