Round for dinner

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As Lexi approached the familiar park where she had first met Leah, a sense of anticipation bubbled within her. Sneaking out to meet Leah had become somewhat of a thrilling adventure for her, and she couldn't wait to see her again.

As she entered the park, Lexi spotted Leah practicing her football skills, her focus solely on the ball as she dribbled and weaved through imaginary defenders. With a grin, Lexi approached Leah, who looked up and beamed at her arrival.

"Hey, Lexi! Back for more?" Leah greeted, her enthusiasm infectious.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world," Lexi replied, matching Leah's smile as they fell into their familiar routine of one-on-one football.

For the next hour, they played and laughed, their friendship growing stronger with each passing moment. They chatted about everything and nothing, their conversation flowing effortlessly as they enjoyed each other's company.

However, their game was interrupted when Leah's mother, Amanda, arrived at the park. Lexi felt a pang of nerves at the sight of her, unsure of how she would react to their clandestine meetings.

"Hi there," Amanda greeted warmly, her smile radiant as she approached them. "I'm Amanda, Leah's mum. It's lovely to finally meet you, Lexi."

Lexi returned Amanda's smile, feeling relieved by her friendly demeanor. "Nice to meet you, Amanda," she replied, her nerves dissipating in the face of Amanda's warmth.

Amanda's eyes twinkled with curiosity as she addressed Lexi. "Leah's told me so much about you. She says you're quite the footballer," she said, causing Leah to blush furiously.

Lexi chuckled softly at Leah's embarrassment, feeling a rush of affection for her friend. "Leah's not so bad herself," she teased, nudging Leah playfully.

Amanda laughed, charmed by their interaction. "Well, I've heard enough. How about you join us for dinner tonight, Lexi? Consider it an official invitation," she said, her smile inviting.

Lexi's heart swelled with gratitude at Amanda's kindness, but she hesitated, knowing she needed to ask permission first. "That sounds amazing, Amanda, but I'll need to check with someone first," she explained, stepping away to make the call.

After a brief conversation, Lexi returned with a smile. "I'm in," she announced, her excitement evident. "But I need to be back at the park by 9 pm."

Amanda nodded understandingly. "Of course, dear. We'll make sure you're back on time," she assured, her warmth and hospitality putting Lexi at ease.

With plans made for dinner, Lexi and Leah resumed their game, their laughter mingling with the sounds of the park as they enjoyed their time together, grateful for the unexpected bond that had formed between them.

~ Williamson House ~

The warm aroma of dinner filled the air as Lexi settled into her seat at the Williamson family table. Across from her, Leah's family—Amanda, David, and Jacob—smiled warmly, eager to get to know Leah's new friend.

"So, Lexi," Amanda began, passing a dish of steaming vegetables, "how many siblings do you have?"

Lexi glanced down at her plate, a fond smile tugging at her lips as she remembered her large, bustling family. "I'm the fifth of eight," she replied, her voice tinged with affection. "Two older sisters, two older brothers, and three younger siblings."

David nodded, his interest piqued. "And your parents?"

Lexi's smile faltered momentarily, a hint of sadness flickering in her eyes. "They aren't around much to be honest," she admitted softly, her gaze drifting to her plate. "But it's okay. I've got my siblings, and we take care of each other."

Amanda reached out to squeeze Lexi's hand in silent understanding before changing the subject. "So, Lexi, are you here in London to watch the Olympics?"

Lexi nodded, her expression carefully neutral. "Something like that," she replied vaguely, not wanting to reveal too much about her true purpose in London.

Jacob piped up, his eyes alight with curiosity. "Leah mentioned you play football. Are you any good?"

Lexi chuckled modestly, shrugging off the compliment. "I enjoy it," she replied, deflecting the attention away from herself. "Leah's the real talent. She's the only one who can give me a run for my money on the pitch."

David chuckled, raising an eyebrow in amusement. "Is that so? Leah's been singing your praises, Lexi. She says most girls can't get past her in defense, but somehow you always manage."

Lexi blushed, feeling a surge of gratitude towards Leah for her unwavering support. "Well, I try my best," she admitted with a sheepish grin. "Leah's really good though, it's always a challenge, I'm just quick on my feet, that's all."

David nodded, satisfied with her answer. "And what team do you support, Lexi?"

Lexi's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as she replied, "Arsenal and Barcelona. Barcelona's my home club—it's where my family's from. But Arsenal... Arsenal's my dream club."

Jacob furrowed his brow in confusion. "But if you're from America, how is Barcelona your home club?"

Lexi's smile widened as she launched into an explanation. "Me and my siblings moved around a lot when I was little. We spent some time with our grandmother in Barcelona, and I even attended their youth club. It's where my love for football really took off."

As the conversation flowed effortlessly around the table, Lexi couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and belonging wash over her. In Leah's family, she had found not only acceptance but also a genuine interest in her life and experiences. And as they continued to chat and laugh together, Lexi knew that she had stumbled upon something truly special—a second family who welcomed her with open arms and made her feel right at home.

As dinner wound down and Lexi checked her phone, she smiled apologetically. "I hate to cut this short, but I've got to head out," she said, rising from her seat. "Thanks for the dinner, Williamson family. I had a great time, and I hope to see you all again soon."

Amanda offered Lexi a warm smile as she gathered her things. "Of course, Lexi. Anytime you're in England, you're welcome here. Consider us your second family."

As they walked to the car, Amanda couldn't resist teasing. "And between you and me, Lexi, I think Leah's got a bit of a secret crush on you," she whispered conspiratorially, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "But don't tell her I said that."

Lexi chuckled, feeling a blush creep into her cheeks. "Thanks for the heads up, Amanda," she replied with a grin.

As Amanda dropped Lexi off at the park, she leaned over to the window, her expression softening. "I'm sorry about your parents, Lexi," she said gently. "But remember, the Williamson family is here for you. Anytime you need a place to stay or just someone to talk to, you know where to find us."

Lexi nodded, touched by Amanda's kindness. "Thank you, Amanda. I really appreciate it."

With a final wave, Lexi stepped out of the car, her heart warmed by the newfound sense of belonging she had found with Leah's family. As she turned to leave, another car pulled up beside her, and to Amanda's surprise, she could have sworn she saw American footballer Alex Morgan behind the wheel. But before she could get a proper look, the car sped off, leaving Amanda to wonder if she had just imagined it.

Not my CaptainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora