Chapter 8 - Tech's Guide on How to Save a Jedi (Part 2)

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"Don't kill me.

Just help me run away

From everyone.

I need a place to stay

Where I can

Cover up my face.

Don't cry

I am just a freak."

- Freaks by Surf Curse

"Oh-oh, forgiving who you are,

for what you stand to gain.

Just know that if you hide,

it doesn't go away."

- Little Dark Age by MGMT

I shot up with a gasp, but quickly laid back down with a cry, the pain returning to my body. It had been nice to not have to feel it, at least for a while, in the Garden Beyond. 

My eyes darted around the unfamiliar space. I was in the center of a small room, laying on a table covered with a blanket. The whole space was a mess. Tools, scrap metal and wires, as well as unfinished projects were scattered across the floor. I looked down, right next to the table, to see a ration bar and a metal canteen.

Still lying on the table, I attempted to reach for the canteen, hoping for water. I hadn't realized till now, but I was incredibly thirsty.

"How long have I been out?", I whispered to myself.

I felt my fingers brush the cold metal, and I extended my arm just a hint more. Bad idea. I yelped in pain as I pulled the wound on my side. I brought my arm back up onto the table, and examined the blaster wound with gentle prods and touches from my hand. I felt the wet bandage of a bacta patch, the skin underneath feeling extremely sensitive. Someone had patched me up, at least a bit. That means someone wants me alive. I wasn't sure how to feel about that, considering there were reg clones coming and I was surrounded by clone force 99 before I passed out on Kaller.

"Just my luck", I said to myself, trying to remain calm. I reverted back to the investigator and shadow training portions of my sentinel education. I wouldn't be much use to myself if I couldn't move or passed out again from thirst, so I attempted to reach for the canteen again, planning on using the possible water to drink as well as to help clean and heal some wounds using force healing techniques.

My attempt was interrupted again, this time by the opening of a door. I heard two sets of footsteps enter the room from the entryway behind me. I desperately reached towards the ground now, trying to grab anything that I could use to protect myself.

"Oh, you're awake".

My hand finally latched onto something, and I flipped over to face the intruders. I pushed myself up from the bed with my free hand at the same time, breathing heavily through the pain. I held the object out in front of me threateningly. The two figures, still covered in shadow, both raised their hands up. 

"Stay back!", I gritted through my teeth, trying to seem as threatening as possible while lying on a table.

"It would be wise to keep your voice low as you are hidden on Kamino", the shorter figure to the left stated, stepping into the light. "I am also unsure if a spoon is the best defense mechanism you could have found".

I stared at Tech confusedly before looking to the object in my hand. A spoon. I had grabbed a kriffing spoon.

'Force, I'm an idiot', I thought to myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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