Chapter 7 - Tech's Guide on How to Save a Jedi (Part 1)

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"You take the man out of the city,

Not the city out the man.

You take the man out of the-

And when I'm back in Chicago, I feel it.

Another version of me, I was in it"

- End of Beginning by Djo

The scene was comical, to say the least.

As soon as Tech had said Laiany was still alive, the men began to sprint back to the ship. Wrecker, as accident prone as he was, tripped up the hill on the way. He turned around to check that Crosshair was nowhere near.

"Wait for me!".

Hunter burst into the ship, Echo and Tech close behind him. Wrecker waited outside the door, ready to alert them if someone was coming. The sergeant gently placed the jedi on a cot as Echo went to grab some of the medical supplies. Tech washed his hands, preparing to treat the surprisingly alive padawan, and opened up his ever-present tablet. 

The story would leak out to Laiany months later, who would sneakily steal Tech's device to find a very peculiar list. She would laugh about it for days, and the crew would tease him endlessly for his logical thinking in literally every situation. 

Tech opened up a new document, making sure to keep it private, and titled his new project.

How to Optimally Care for and Hide a Jedi

The enhanced clone thought for a moment before starting.

1. Provide any needed medical attention within the safety of those the subject can trust.

"Tech, get over here! We don't have long before Crosshair gets back!", Hunter yelled over.

The clone walked over to the bedside, slipping on a pair of medical gloves before getting to work.

Note: It is best to provide care without Wrecker asking every 1.5 minutes how the process is moving along.


It didn't take long for Crosshair to make it back to the ship. Tech did not have enough time to treat all the injuries scattering the girl, but he was able to take care of the most major problems.

"Not optimal,", the clone noted to himself quietly, "but it will be sufficient until we reach the medical facilities on Kamino".

 Hunter covered her body with a sheet and Echo finished cleaning up the medical supplies just as Crosshair walked onto the Marauder, followed by Wrecker.

"The reg captain said we're good to go", the sniper told the group, aiming his comment towards Hunter. "They said to dispose the body when we land".

"Let's get going then", Hunter stated, sneakily stepping in front of Laiany's dropped hand as it twitched slightly. He gestured for Tech to prepare for takeoff. He waited till Crosshair had gone to use the restroom before following the second point on his list.

2. Ensure the safety of the subject by maintaining their cover, whether that be a disguise or a false death.

He took out a syringe he had placed in his pocket, injecting the liquid into one of her vein's. It would keep her unconscious and still for, he estimated, about a day to ensure enough time to discover a secure place for her at the facility.

("You drugged me?".

"While drugged is not the term I would use, yes, I ensured your safety using basic medical practices involving the injection of liquid medicine".

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