Bad feeling

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Someone knocked on your rooms door but after waiting for a few moments you gave them no response.

The maid eventually got in the room to check if anything was wrong and saw you deeply asleep in your bed.The maid felt pity for you,you looked exhausted.She unfortunately had been sent to tell you to go downstairs because Carlos's order,so she had no choice but to wake you up.

"Miss..",she said as she tried to make her voice as gentle as possible so she wouldn't startle you.

"Miss?..",she called out again and shook you gently on the shoulder after you still didn't respond.

"Mphh..,let me sleep..just a bit more..",you groaned as you turned from side to side on the bed trying to get confortable.

"Miss you have to get ready..,Mr Carlos ordered me to wake you up because we have special guests coming.."

"Special guests?,again?",you groaned as you eventually got up and rubbed one eye from exhaustion.

"This time they really are special Miss!This is why Mr Carlos brought you this beautiful dress",the maid showed you a beautiful short red dress with matching sleeves and jewelry.

"Another dress huh?",you sighed and checked it out with your eyes almost closed as if you weren't interested in it.

"Well,it's lovely,thank you.Tell Mr Carlos I'm going to come downstairs right away.Could you please bring me some rose tea?"

"Yes ma'am, ofcourse",the elderly maid rushed to her dutie leaving you alone in the room.You sat on your vanity and looked at yourself in the mirror.

"Finally,my last day here.Im so glad this is going to be over",you said to yourself as you brushed your hair and looked at your reflection in the mirror.

This is you after the two days of staying at Carlos's place.Today is the day of the "ceremony",the day the mission to get the diamonds will take place.

Instead of being ready and full of energy,you were dead tired and your body felt weak.Well why is that? Shouldn't you have been prepared for such an important day?Well let me explain exactly what happened those two days and the conclusion on why you are exhausted.

To start with, during these two days of your stay at Carlos's mansion,you definitely had THE princess treatment.

Carlos showered you with expensive gifts such as dresses, perfumes but mostly expensive jewellery.Carlos is a big fan of diamonds so particularly,all the jewellery he brought you were all diamonds in any color you can imagine.He only wanted you to have the best.

He brought you to all his meetings with other politicians,Mafia bosses and gangsters, and introduced you to all of them.They were all both surprised and confused from his love torwards you,he was always mentioning of how perfect you were and how much he adored you.

They were actually worried about his health because they couldn't believe a man of his kind would ever act like that torwards a woman!Imagine how cruel Carlos acted torwards his previous partners.

To cover it up,you explained that when you and Carlos met it was like love at first sight.When they asked when and were you met,you lied and said that the two of you met at a meeting and fell in love instantly.Carlos agreed and didn't even comment on the fact that you made all that up because there was no way his precious gem would be wrong or lie!

His secretary who happened to be there too,was about to say the truth but thankfully Carlos shut him up and told him to leave.Gosh that secretary was nosy!He was the only problem you had, because nobody else dared to talk about Carlos's weird behavior,neither the servants or the guests.They all bought your lies except HIM.

Book 2! Reader x Baki characters    ~Diamond chase~Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu