Good at both

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"UGHH..",you groaned as you turned your back to your phones alarm clock ringing, lifting the blankets above your head.

"Get up.You're going to worry your crew".

"UH!",you emerged a hand out of the blankets to get your phone.After a couple of attempts searching for it blindly on the bedside table,you finally caught it and closed the annoying alarm sound.

"IM.SO.TIRED!I can't lift a finger!",you complained and stayed under the covers.

"Maybe it's because of the "bath" you had last night".

" you hear that too?.."

"Ofcourse I did.And so did your secretary.I saw her run out of the bathroom like she saw a ghost".

"Oh no!,I forgot about Zoe!I must have scared her so bad!I have to go apologize to her!",you got out of bed to get ready and pay her a visit in her suite.




Standing outside her door made you nervous after you got ready.You took a deep breath and knocked three times.

"Come in!"

(Well it's now or never!), you took a serious look and opened the door.

"Miss!W-what are you doing here!",she blushed.

"Good morning Zoe..I-I came to apologize for yesterday..It was not what it looked like!I just.."

"There is nothing to worry about Miss! Exploring yourself is completely normal!At first I thought that you were actually with someone in there..,but afterwards when I left and thought about it I realized that you know! Masturbating",she whispered into your ear.


"Don't be shy with me!It's arlight Miss!Besides I found a solution to your problem!"

"W-what do you mean p-problem?"

"Ta-da!✧I found out that the hotel provides intimacy kits!There are all kids of toys to satisfy yourself!Do you want me to go to the reception and ask for one?"

"NO NO! I-I'm fine!",you became red from the embarrassment."Thank you for understanding Zoe!.. I-I'll see you later!",you quickly ran off from her suite forgetting to close her door.

"Her first guess was correct,but thankfully she misunderstood,you sighed in relief.BUT NOW SHE THINKS THAT I HAVE PROBLEMS CONTROLLING MYSELF!",you said as you pressed the button that leaded to the dinning area in the elevator.


"HEY STOP LAUGHING!",you shook the ultimate source of power making Anubis shut up.

"Good morning Y/n!",Katsumi greeted you as you sat with them at the dining area."How is your back?",he asked and smiled.

"How do you know about her back pain?",Retsu asked with his mouth busy with food.

Katsumi paused for a bit not knowing how to respond.

"Well how do YOU know about it?",he looked at him raising an eyebrow.

Retsu paused too,trying to find an excuse to cover up his secret when you finally spoke.

"Shut up you two!Eat your breakfast already!,I'm too tired for this!", you fiercely stabbed your fork in your pancakes annoyed.

Book 2! Reader x Baki characters    ~Diamond chase~Where stories live. Discover now