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The sound of birds chirping and the sunlight coming from an opened window woke you up.

You found yourself sleeping in Baki's arms.He was still asleep,so you attempted to slowly get up without him noticing.When you managed to get up,you stretched and enjoyed the warm sunlight on your naked body.

(Oh right I'm not wearing any clothes...),you looked around you and grabbed Baki's shirt again since there wasn't anything else near you to cover up.

(Now where is my underwear..
I didn't manage to find it last night after all..),you stood up to go look for it while rubing one eye from sleepiness.(I must have left it in the basement),you got down the ladder leaving Baki alone still asleep on his futon.

It wasn't long when he realized you weren't there anymore.He couldn't feel that nice heat on him.He slowly opened his eyes and looked on his chest.You weren't there,so he panicked and quickly got up.



"Where did you go?",he said relieved as he heard your voice from the distance.

"I went to get my underwear!",you waived it around as you were on the top of the ladder.

"Good morning",you said putting your underwear on.

"G-good morning..",he yawned and stretched still sitting on the futon.
"Did you sleep well?"

"We barely slept silly, don't you remember?", you smirked as you walked up to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

"Oh crap I forgot about that.."

"Does that mean I didn't give you a memorable time?",you teased him as you poured yourself a glass of water at the sink.

"No no!,it's just that I'm tired and I just woke up..",he rubbed the back of his neck."Last night was awesome.."

You drank the water in one gulp and sighed from the refreshment.You looked outside the kitchens window and admired the sunny day.

"Hey wanna go for a jog?The weather is nice and warm today".

"Oh sure,but let's be on the lookout because Kozue might chase us with a knife".

"Haha you're right!",you laughed and went to get ready as Baki did the same.

You both jogged and laughed together at the park and after a while it was time to go back to the hotel.Baki said he would stay at his house for a while so when you got back he called a cab only for you to get back at the hotel.

"Thanks Baki!,make sure to come back at the hotel quickly!",you hugged him before getting inside the cab.

"I will I will!Take care!"

(I wanted to tell her that I love her instead of that..),he thought as he watched you get in the cab.

"I love you too Baki",you turned around before entering the cab and smiled at him afterwards as the car drove off.





You looked outside the cars window holding your head as it drove you back to the hotel.You were thinking about how to spend the free time you had.You were between training or going out,but neither of those options really satisfied you,so you tried to find another solution.

Book 2! Reader x Baki characters    ~Diamond chase~Where stories live. Discover now