And so the mission finally starts!

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Last night might have been intense,you cried and you had your heart crushed,but you decided you had to eventually move on.Doyle wouldn't be happy if he learned you were still thinking about him,right?
He said it himself that he did everything for you to hate him and eventually forget him,so to make him happy you had to.Even though you would miss him,you were going to wait for him to come back.You were sure that the two of you would meet again.Someday..

With the company of Yujiro and the nice dream you had you started feeling better.You woke up with the sunlight heating your exposed body that hadn't been covered from the blankets.

You looked up to see a smiling Yujiro above you,you smiled back and pushed yourself against his chest to cuddle.

"Good morning angel",he brushed a strand of hair behind your ear.

"Good morning..",you muttered as you tried to sleep again but eventually gave up because of the light blinding you coming from the window.

"Yujiro",you called out his name as you started to get up.


"Thank you,thank you for staying with me..I really needed it".

"I want you to ask me to stay more often",he stopped you from getting up from bed by grabbing your wrist.

"I'll think about it..",you smiled and stretched as you went to get ready for the day.

Today was going to be a big day,the day the mission would finally start.You hoped everything would go according to plan and that you wouldn't have trouble like last time with the disaster in the piramid.You were hoping that this time everything would be suscessful and that you would be able to defend and fight in any situation.After all you had been training hard so there was nothing denying it,you had gotten stronger than before and you would be able to handle this alone.Besides this time you weren't be going to fight with some monster creature but humans.

They might be humans but they are still a good threat so I have to be careful,you thought as you changed clothes.

"So tell me,why were you smiling?", you heard Yujiro say and you turned to look at him.

"What do you mean?"

"In your sleep,you were smiling".

"Oh..,that..Let's just say that I saw a really nice dream",you looked at the ceiling and after remembering the dream you had you couldn't help but smile again.

"Is that so?What was the dream about?"

"It was this..big ball room and I was wearing a long white dress..,and I was dancing alone when all of the sudden..,there is this man that offers me his hand and then we started dancing together".

"And who was this man exactly?", Yujiro scoffed as you didn't mention his name.

"I don't know,the man was faceless! Spooky right?But that was a wonderful dream,I hadn't seen a dream like that in ages!"

"That's a horrible dream".

"Oh come on!You're just jealous",you grinned at him making a vain pop out on his forehead.


"Just admit it!You don't want anyone approaching or even talk to me because you are so clingy!"

"Maybe you're right,I don't want anyone having you.I want you to be mine and only mine",he suddenly came behind you and hugged your waist.

"H-hey!Cut that out!",you blushed as he kissed and licked your neck.

"I don't want anyone having you,and I will certainly won't let anyone touching you leave unharmed",he said setting shivers down your spine as you knew he was talking about Doyle.

Book 2! Reader x Baki characters    ~Diamond chase~حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن