Paw print 28.

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"Soooo how's it going?" Felix cooed in front of his cocktail.

After a hard afternoon spent practicing for their soon to start tour, they had decided to treat themselves with an alcoholic evening.

"How's what going?" Ji asked right back.

"The Minho situation, what else?"

Chan looked at him with curious eyes and once again, Jisung felt thankful that Min's ex was complitely supportive of their situation. Whatever...that situation was.

Ji let out a big sigh:
"I don't know... we basically live togheter at this point but I can't figure out how he feels about it. Sometimes he treats me like I'm an annoying college roomate and other times he acts like a worried husband... I just don't ubderstand him!"

"Classic Minho" responded Chan, head shaking side to side.

"Well I think you guys would make for a good pair. You're always bickering but never leave eachother's side. Just like a married couple"

"Totally agree on that" Changbin answered to Felix's exposition.

Jisung looked down into the rose liquid of his cocktail in dismay:
"But it doesn't matter what yall think, now does it? Because if he doesn't like me... I'll ruin everything"

"Oh, Ji... you're usually never this doubtful... where's our charismatic little quokka, mh?" Changbin wondered.

Truth was, Jisung always used his ability to summon a charismatic front as a way to battle a sort of anxiety that had plagued him since he was young. And lately... he just hadn't used it as much. Maybe because he had let himself relax around Minho... let a more sensitive side out, one he usually hid deep inside. But these were his friends, his bandmates. He needed to be better than that.

"You know what, you guys are right. I've never been scared before. Why be scared now? We're practically dating already... I'll just smooothly ask for a confirmation and everything will be fine. Don't worry about me, boys. I got this" he smiled big and saw his friends smile in return.

Oh boy... I very much don't got this...


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